Saturday, May 6, 2023

Confessions of a former evangelical and die-hard Republican Trump supporter

Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images

Essential reading in trying to understand the brainwashed mind, and how intertwined the Republican Party and radical (re: perverted), fundamentalist Christianity in #Murica are. FTA: ‘I wasn’t looking to destroy the Conservatism that had surrounded my life since birth. I wasn’t looking to blow up the very thing that brought comfort, protection, and insulation from the outer chaos of the world. Conservative fundamentalism does that. It’s (sic) offers safety. It promises to bring law and order to chaos and messy things.’ Many of us - myself included, and I am trying - need to learn to stop seeing the world through a ‘conservative lens,’ and instead through a ‘Jesus-centric’ lens. {Kevin Young 4/27

Copyright 2023, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on TWITTER, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, and POST - @arthurnewhook.

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