Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Fellow supporters of President Joe Biden: CUT IT OUT WITH THE BLOODY TAYLOR SWIFT WORSHIP

Evan Agostini/AP

#Cult45 manufactures baseless animosity towards those who even mildly disagree with their agenda, or sometimes just because they make a convenient target, as is the case with a successful (relatively) young pop music singer (gee, who could I be referring to?) triggering the angry, old white men who comprise the bulk of the GOP base. Every single time, all too many of you fall into their traps, distracting from real issues in today's morally compromised and celebrity- obsessed America. The Fascists create these phony controversies because it works on a dumbed-down and absurdly restless population that values bread and circuses above all else. Stop playing on their terms! They goad you into wasting time over arguing about people and things that do not really matter so that you do not concern yourselves with health insurance, Social Security, matters of war and peace, climate change, our eroding civil liberties, or any number of pertinent issues. They brand you as sheep, and most of the time all too many of you prove them correct.

For whatever it is worth - and her actual music really is not all that germane to the discussion - Taylor Swift is not an essential artist like Nina Simone, Carole King, or Kate Bush. Despite her commercial success and despite that she hath been deemed an enemy by our enemies, she is still only a disposable pop star making goofy dance music for teenagers. Sure, good for her for enabling voter registration at her concerts, but she is hardly the first to do such a thing and to believe her doing this will save our democracy is pathetically naive. This woman is worth upwards of a billion dollars and can defend herself; she does not need millions of (perhaps well-meaning) people posting memes and expressing outrage on her behalf day and night. Meanwhile, actual human beings in this country and around the world are being oppressed in sundry ways, and they have no one to speak for them; no, they do not dance, lip sync, or date football players, so they do not matter. Our fellow citizens do not entertain us, so who cares about them, right? Our priorities are so screwed up that I cannot even articulate it properly at the moment. 

Folks, we are going to be crushed in the upcoming election. President Biden is under attack from all sides like no other president in modern history. Under attack by Trump and the GOP, by all the Christofascist loons, by the far-left ‘progressive’ jerks, by Arabs and Muslims furious that he (rightfully) stands by Israel, by the isolationists who would gladly allow Putin to march over all of Europe, by the sleazy mainstream news media, and by so many of the insufferable know-it-alls that live amongst us (that loud-mouth uncle who comes to Thanksgiving dinner, the ‘Karen’ who makes the lives of retail workers miserable, so on and so forth.) He is a capable and steady leader in a nation that has come to relish chaos, division, racism, hatred, and stupidity. We are a nation of impatient, willfully ignorant, and unserious imbeciles. When President Biden loses to a felon and traitor in November, know now that I am going to hold the likes of Taylor Swift, the media which props up these twits, and all of you who are obsessed with said twits at least partly responsible for our loss. When we are locked away in concentration camps - any of us who stand opposed to the nationalist populist agenda - I will remember the millions of lay people who have spent years now concerning themselves primarily with watching ‘reality’ television shows, posting selfies, getting fat on junk food, and living vicariously through the worthless excuses for celebrities that we are saddled with in this time. Our lives are literally at stake, so stop engaging in pissing contests over people who wouldn’t piss on you to save you if you were on fire!

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST and THREADS.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The United States of Entertainment: A realm where personality cults, reprobates, and tyrants flourish, and where free will, critical thinking, and basic decency meet their demise

AI generated image

Observing grown adults engage in overt idol worship, fervently insisting on their idols' infallibility and suppressing dissent, is not only lamentable but also profoundly disturbing. This starkly contradicts the ideals of human liberty, critical thinking, and rugged individualism that the United States ostensibly once championed but now disregards. Full stop! I refuse to conform to a society where select mortals (rather mediocre ones, at that) are propped up by perpetual media hype and wield such influence over vast numbers of people that some adherents are practically (or literally) prepared to kill for them. It is important to note that I am not exclusively referring to #Cult45 and not solely pointing the finger at DJT.

The ceaseless idol worship of a disposable, thoroughly mediocre pop music star (initials ‘T.S.’) is becoming more than a mere annoyance. I am genuinely concerned about people’s mental health, and our corrupt media is to blame for enabling these charismatic charlatans - and there are others beyond the aforementioned, such as Elon Musk, who may be classified as an existential threat alongside Trump - to cultivate personality cults. This is not the country and society I grew up in, one that valued freedom of expression, critical thinking, and rugged individualism. That was the United States of America. Now, we are the United States of Entertainment, a country of sheep; anyone daring to stray from the herd shall be 'canceled.'

How did we reach this point, teetering on the edge of outright Fascist theocracy, while the majority of Americans remain blissfully ignorant? Supporting a pop star for enabling voter registration at concerts will not stop Trump, the GOP, and #Cult45 from imposing tyranny. Showing genuine support for the one person standing between us and Fascism - President Joe Biden - would be a better course. Yet, all I see is complaining and fretting over trivial matters, most notably his age. We are not a serious people. President Biden has held this diverse nation together amid serious storms, highlighting his worth and integrity, yet is never recognized for this. The lack of respect for competence and decency, while narcissistic buffoons are held up as role models, makes me sick.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST and THREADS.