Thursday, May 13, 2021

Bad idea: The CDC calls for the fully vaccinated to stop wearing masks indoors

The CDC declares it is safe for fully vaccinated people to not wear masks in indoor settings. Keep wearing them anyway, folks. Nobody needs to smell anyone else’s breath, or have spittle spreading anywhere and everywhere. And this article details more pressing - and scientific - reasons to retain the use of masks. To be brutally honest, I don’t even like looking at most peoples’ faces anymore. So perhaps my position is a little extreme, but I hardly care. We defeated influenza and the common cold this past winter because (just enough) people were using masks. And don’t let anybody shame you into taking off the mask. It is a f**king piece of cloth, it was never an encroachment on anybody’s ‘freedumb’ and should never have been made into a political issue. And it never had anything to do with one’s manhood and all of that pseudo-macho garbage. To say nothing of the privacy it affords one while out in public. Yes, after this past year (two years, actually, given what I was put through in my personal life in 2019) I am more of a misanthrope than ever; the absurdity all around is literally killing me.

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