Saturday, May 1, 2021

Week in review, 04/24 - 04/30

Seems to me the majority of people are no longer interested in reading news articles (or reading, period), and most especially if their narrow worldviews are in any manner challenged. Echo chambers that demand no critical thinking are so much easier and provide far more entertainment for the masses. As the old saying goes, of course, 'the masses are asses.' Always been true, and truer still today in this unprecedented technological age. All the information in the world at our fingertips, yet blissful ignorance is always going to prevail …

In defense of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Efforts by the far-right to portray Dr. Fauci as ‘some bespectacled Beelzebub’ fall flat and are ultimately self-defeating

Not yet close to America’s death toll, but at the rate they’re going it may not be long: India passes 200,000 Covid-19 deaths as new cases spike to a world-record 360,960 in one day, ‘widespread shortages of medical oxygen and beds’

‘Russia has launched a major campaign using ministries, companies and pro-Kremlin media to promote the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine and spread fake news that the West and the European Union are trying to undermine the shot, an EU agency said in a report Wednesday’

‘The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines were found to be 94% effective at preventing hospitalizations among people ages 65 and over in a real-world study published Wednesday by the CDC’

Beware of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, another huckster having great success peddling fear and disinformation about COVID vaccines to evangelicals and others predisposed to be anti-vaccine

‘A man and his three sons are facing criminal charges after they sold more than $1 million worth of toxic industrial bleach that was fraudulently marketed as a cure for COVID-19 and other serious medical conditions, federal prosecutors said’

‘The Border Patrol says it has insufficient time and space to conduct coronavirus testing at crowded processing stations.’ This obviously needs to be rectified. At the very least, it should be ensured those coming to this country are not spreading disease

If Florida sees a surge in COVID infections soon, we’ll know where it likely started: 15,269 pack Jacksonville arena for UFC event

Massachusetts surpasses 640,000 COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, with a statewide death total of 17,199; an estimated 30,000 active cases

Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker announces the final phase of the Commonwealth’s reopening plan

Photo: AP

The United States formally recognizes the mass slaughter of Armenians by Ottman Turks as a genocide: Over a century in the making, and what leverage do Erodgan and Turkey really have to do anything but pout over it?

Turkish despot Erdogan calls on President Biden to reverse calling the mass killings of Armenians a genocide

Prayers for the innocents left behind: U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan already underway, Pentagon confirms

President Biden unveils American Families Plan, including provision for universal preschool: It is said the first three years of a child’s life are the most important in determining their life course, and I firmly believe learning should begin young. As soon as possible. Ideally, it would not be the federal government providing these services, and I’m certain the president understands this. The government should not have to cajole parents and communities into properly educating their children, but here we are. We cannot continue to allow our kids to fall behind so many other nations, especially those most hostile to us

‘No one will have to endure inane punditry that Biden has finally “grown into the presidency.” He is comfortable in his new job — and determined to do big things.’ Jennifer Rubin: Biden’s address to Congress proves we have an adult back in the presidency

Approval ratings must be always taken with a grain of salt, as data can always be twisted to suit an agenda and the opinions of most Americans are worthless to begin with. For whatever those ratings are worth, though, President Biden’s approval is considerably higher than his predecessor’s were at this time in 2017. What is most important is that this president is leading by example, conducting himself with dignity, and America is finally making a little bit of progress in the fight against COVID-19

Photo: PolitiFact

Fact check: No, President Biden is not going to prevent us from eating red meat

Fresh off election falsehoods, Republicans serve up a whopper about President Biden

‘At some point, the blame for modern Republicanism must pass from the party to an electorate that could cure it at once by levying harsher political costs.’ Janan Ganesh: Blame the U.S. electorate for the Republican Party’s success

‘The G.O.P. response to the Biden agenda has been anemic because the base doesn’t care about mere legislation, just their own cultural standing.’ David Brooks: The GOP is getting even worse, and Trumpians are having a venomous panic attack

Any wonder these people went to the desperate lengths they did to prevent a lawfully elected president from taking office? Feds execute early morning raid of Rudy Giuliani’s apartment and office in investigation of his dealings in Ukraine

Arizona Republicans choose a known conspiracy theorist to lead another futile audit of last fall’s election: Can gaslighting be any more shameless than this? Why are we still litigating an election that is over, and why are so many committed to this Big Lie when there has not been even one shred of credible evidence there was any election tampering? These f**kers lost and really should move on with their lives, but endless grievance is what the base demands and where the money is

Tucker Carlson’s anti-mask rant: A ‘useful data point for how American conservatism has transformed, especially in the Trump era, from a movement that (at least putatively) believes in limited government to one that primarily prizes marshaling the power of the state to punish those who disagree with it’

‘In a world where nothing is true, everything is permitted.’ Max Boot: The American right is becoming completely untethered from reality

‘White conservatives always assume they’re on the side of popular opinion.’ Absolutely true, and why so many of them accepted the Big Lie, even without real evidence. A well-reasoned response to an editorial writer who complained of ‘wokeness’ ruining his experience at Disney World

‘(T)his paragon of limited government is threatening to hurt companies who express opinions he disagrees with.’ Ted Cruz says the quiet part out loud

Sure, a multi-billion dollar, majority black sports league is going to expel its most marketable star to appease eternally aggrieved white people. Okay: Ohio bar owner refuses to show NBA games until LeBron James is ‘expelled’ from the league

Federal hate crimes charges filed against the Georgia men accused of killing Ahmaud Arbery

Conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction charges added in 2020 plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Menthol cigarette ad, early 1960s

FDA moves to ban menthol cigarettes and flavored cigars: A terrible decision that is going to adversely affect - or at least seriously piss off - many black Americans. This country has far more pressing issues than to engage in this anti-smoking hysteria any longer. So it’s unhealthy, who cares!? I do not care. All of you out there have made life in this country and world so god-damn stressful with all your noise and bulls**t, and I’m supposed to feel sorry for smoking a cigarette? F**k off

Good: U.S. population grew over the last decade at its slowest rate since the 1930s

If sanity prevailed, this would be hailed as an achievement and not something to hide: Chinese government censoring reports that their population fell for the first time in decades

Alexei Navalny makes court appearance via video link, calls out Putin as ‘a king with no clothes’ and says Russians are being turned into slaves

Rest in Peace, Michael Collins. Apollo 11 astronaut dies at age 90

Pioneer League to replace extra innings with a home run derby: Utterly hate this idea with a passion. Settling games with a skills contest has made a joke of hockey, and it has no place in baseball. Play the game the way it’s supposed to be played, stop fixing that which isn’t broken

Got to hand it to Bryce Harper, the guy is tough: Phillies star says he ‘feels good’ after taking a 97 MPH pitch to the face from Cardinals pitcher Genesis Cabrera on Wednesday night

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