Saturday, February 3, 2024

National suicide: Fascism is staring us right in the face, and much of #Murica is oblivious while many more embrace it

America is on a path of gradual national suicide, and within a year, it will meet its final demise unless significant changes occur urgently. The looming threat of a one-party, Fascist, and theocratic dictatorship with echoes of Auschwitz's horrors is imminent. It can happen here, and most Republican officials and lay people are outright begging for oppressive rule. The desire for fascism in these United States is beyond palpable, revealing mean-spiritedness and willful ignorance on a scale I have never known in my 46 years on this rotten earth. 

Despite the fact that we have a sane and capable president, somehow he is hated and resented. The widespread lack of respect for the president from seemingly all sides is appalling, and I have reached a point where I genuinely want to see President Biden assert himself forcefully and instill the fear of God into all those who would have their fellow Americans live in constant fear - the ones deemed bad Americans by #Cult45, so roughly at least half of the overall population of men, women, and children (yes, they will happily kill children, their ‘pro-life’ bonafides notwithstanding.) Give the Fascists a small taste of their own medicine, for we have no other choice if we are going to survive. We are in a cold civil war, soon to turn hot if #Cult45 is not brought down within the next ten to twelve months. This is war.

Americans today appear to actually crave chaos, tyranny, economic turmoil, betrayal of allies, and overall degradation. So long as they are endlessly entertained and the people they do not like are being punished, a majority will lovingly embrace authoritarianism on an epic scale. My faith in fellow Americans perished in 2016, and eight years later, it is abundantly clear that we, as a nation, have embraced pure evil. Americans can no longer be trusted on the world stage, at least not for a long time to come and likely never. By all means, though, keep allowing #Cult45 to trigger us and to set the terms of engagement every single time out. Keep on attending every single fight one is invited to by the trolls and goons. The United States of Entertainment is almost certainly f**ked, but hey, isn't that Taylor Swift great? Our priorities are so out of whack and people better start to take seriously the dire threat staring us in the face, and to realise that the enemy is us. #SeriouslyAnnoyed #Biden2024OrDeath

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST and THREADS.

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