Wednesday, March 6, 2024



On a primal level, #Cult45 adherents are cognizant of the intentions of Trump and his associates: Namely, to establish an Fascist and theocratic regime, closely aligned with Putin's Russia. The rank-and-file enthusiastically supports such efforts and greatly desires conformity, silencing dissenting voices (‘own the libs.’) Unfortunately, those most vulnerable to the consequences of this political climate are often disengaged, preoccupied with distractions like video games and cell phones, and are 100% jaded and cynical (not without much justification to feel such way.) With pervasive violent rhetoric and the assertive nature of #Cult45, a significant number feel intimidated, unwilling to ‘resist’ regardless of the circumstances. Neither will they find the courage to stand up and resist. January 6, 2021, was all about a show of power - to put the fear of God into a nation and its people - and I believe the majority of Americans were sufficiently spooked by that event. #Cult45 operates as a formidable pressure group, a collective of intimidating figures led by a supreme bully. Their relentless efforts have worn us down considerably, and are showing no indication of relenting. Exactly the opposite.

Do we truly believe that all this amplified 'Boomer' rhetoric about everything being 'woke,' younger generations being soft and not wanting to work, the illegal aliens and the ‘Great Replacement’ theory, the panic about drag queens, the anti-intellectualism, etc. is all just a coincidence? Confirmation bias and time-tested, yes - the ‘get off my lawn’ type is as old as time immoral - but not a coincidence. All the 'back in my day' memes that saturate our feeds nonstop do so because the intended demographics eat that s**t up with a silver spoon. Donald Trump absolutely knows what his audience wants, and has since day one of his political career. Fox News and talk radio do not devote most of their broadcast days to populist bellyaching as the target audience is predisposed to such complaints by their elder nature. Elon Musk's influence is transforming X (formerly Twitter) into a breeding ground for extremist ideologies, driven not solely by his own Nazi inclinations but also by the widespread presence of millions - perhaps even billions - of populist-minded individuals worldwide, who are always characterized by racist, nationalistic, and religious biases. Said individuals are the biggest marks around, and the likes of Trump, Musk, and Putin are taking full advantage.

Do not misunderstand me, there are many hints of truth to all these populist laments about a country gone 'soft' and a culture that is rotten: For most Americans are too cowardly, and/or dumb, and/or complicit to defend themselves against those taking everything away from them, and therefore will only give our would-be overlords and their army of minions the added satisfaction of having correctly proved their point before they slice our throats. We only narrowly averted Fascism in 2020, and only under extraordinary circumstances; even then, many of those 81 million that elected President Biden had to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing so. Reminder: In 2020, Trump actually received around 12 million more votes than he did in his triumphant 2016 campaign. With President Biden successfully cast as the central villain in their twisted tale, #Cult45 and their leaders are licking their lips and smelling blood, more motivated than ever. The rest of us are too tired or apathetic to do anything about it. Am I wrong? 

Begin the fightback immediately, starting yesterday, as failure and tyranny are assured otherwise.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. Visit Stop the Idiocracy, @Sunking278 on FACEBOOK and X; @arthurnewhook on POST.; and

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