Thursday, May 23, 2024

Alito's 'Appeal to Heaven' flag: another Christian nationalist dog whistle

Photo: Michael Perez/AP

AP - The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag evolves from Revolutionary War symbol to banner of the far right

It is time to call these individuals, from leadership to the rank-and-file supporters, for what they truly are: terrorists. Just as most Muslims came to either embrace or tolerate Jihadist activity and extreme restrictions on their liberties and freedoms, American Christian nationalists are experiencing a similar process of radicalisation in our current era. Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas should not serve upon the Supreme Court; instead, they should await trial on charges of sedition. A shame it is that, by and large, people consider not the all-too-real possibility of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ becoming reality when they vote for president, nor take more seriously the danger these holy rollers represent to us all.

Even the overturning of Roe v. Wade hath failed to kindle a fervent outcry from those sorely beset by this egregious encroachment upon the lives of women. What I discern at this present moment is a country that has given up, and is about to yield unto tyranny in exchange for the fleeting promise of a few extra dollars in their coffers (which will not materialise, of course). I behold a realm of defeated and tired souls, inclined to let the bully, Donald Trump, return to power for he hath cunningly vilified President Biden. Donald Trump should be the most despised man in America, yet it is Joe Biden who bears the brunt of hatred. The propaganda, the brainwashing, and the bullying, combined with the cruel realities of COVID, inflation, climate change, and global turmoil, have reduced the American people to crying for mercy and submitting to the authority of an evil cabal that intends to dictate every facet of their existence.

Yet, this shall prove a harsh reckoning; ere long, millions shall awaken to the grievous error they shalt have wrought (this November), and shall pine for the return of Joe Biden. For his own part, Mr. Biden may have to resort to extraordinary measures to save this country from itself whilst there is still time; yet, though I strive to lend my support and will unequivocally vote for him again, I harbour doubts as to whether he possesses the fortitude to endure much longer. Nor doth there dwell within the American masses any remnant of fighting spirit. 'Tis akin to the year 1932, and the fall of the Weimar Republic.

I can feel it in the air; America seems to be losing hope, mirroring the despair that once gripped Germany, and thus, they will endure the hardships the Germans were subjected to following World War II and the collapse of Nazism. However, unlike Germany, America will never recover or regain its global influence: the once mighty empire is in a state of inexorable decline. Ours is an empire plagued by divisions - too vast, too diverse, and too at odds with itself to ever truly be a nation in the sense that Germany, Japan etc. are nations. While this may sound overly pessimistic, remember that my faith in Americans died completely with the 2016 presidential election, and each passing day since has only reinforced the reasons as to why that faith is never coming back to life.

President Biden denounces ICC arrest warrant bid for Netanyahu, reiterates there is no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas. {BBC 5/20

Слава Україні. Long overdue U.S. artillery shells finally arrive to assist Ukrainian fighters near Kharkiv. {Reuters 5/21}

Of course she is. No backbone, no integrity: Nikki Haley announces she will vote for Donald Trump. {BBC 5/22}

Trump camp to build ‘crypto army’, will begin accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. {AP 5/21}

Indian dictator Modi - leader of over 1.4 billion people - claims he is of divine birth, says ‘this energy could not be from my biological body’. {Business Standard 5/22}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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