Sunday, May 26, 2024

Thin-skinned Donald Trump receives boos, yet also cheers, whilst speaking at the ‘libertarian’ convention

Photo: Jose Luis Magana/AP

Reuters - Trump booed and heckled by raucous crowd at Libertarian convention

Something a little odd about a wanna-be dictator who peddles fascism and Christian nationalism addressing a group that calleth itself ‘libertarian’, yet I have long believed the Libertarian Party to be a collection of crackpots and rank hypocrites. COVID made this crystal clear: they did not wish to be forced to wear a mask or take a vaccine, but had zero concern for the rights and liberties of innocent people around them, unwittingly exposed to deadly germs. This lot truly believes it is their right to make others sick. Others may stay home if they do not like it; I saw this attitude explicitly expressed repeatedly during the pandemic. ‘Liberty and freedom for me, but not for thee’.

These ‘libertarians’ would be wise to remember that Trump, the GOP, and #Cult45 do demand he be treated as infallible. Should he regain the presidency, none shall be allowed to boo or criticise the orange god-king, and every aspect of our lives shall be micromanaged by far-right busybodies and tyrants. Is the Libertarian Party actually ‘libertarian,’ or are they but a gaggle of quasi-fascists who just happen to favour smoking weed and despise paying taxes? A rude awakening eventually awaits all these malcontents with their heads up their arses. #Biden2024

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