Thursday, June 6, 2024

#DDay 1944: The liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny commenced with the Allied invasion of occupied France

Allied soldiers on the eve of the D-Day landings, Normandy, 1944. Photo: Getty Images.

Today, we commemorate all those who stormed the Normandy beaches on the 80th anniversary of the pivotal event in the 20th century. Their bravery and sacrifice secured a period of relative peace, prosperity, and stability that lasted up until recent years. I fear a conflict of this scale and with such perilous consequences will have to be fought again. And I worry that this time, #Murica might not be on the righteous side. Heaven help us all.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Senate GOP blocks bill to protect access to contraception, claiming it is 'unnecessary'

Photo: Elon Musk

Though not mentioned in the AP article, extreme natalism is increasingly becoming mainstream in Republican/#Cult45 circles, and any Republican who saith they voted against this bill because it is ‘unnecessary’ is gaslighting the public. These extremists, such as the pictured Elon Musk, along with their natural inclination to control women and their bodies, are trying to convince the general public that there are not enough babes to sustain humanity. There are eight billion souls in the world, more than twice the population at the time of mine birth in 1978, and roughly half of them are starving and living in extreme poverty. Frankly, bringing a life into this world today is an act of sadism, but I digress.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at