Friday, January 24, 2025

Speaking directly to Trump-worshipping ‘Christians’ here, though I know I am rather shouting into the void

photo: Apu Gomes/Getty Images

A quote from a friend on Facebook regarding your kind: “Their credibility to even discuss the gospel now falls on deaf ears.” Trump and his handlers—most notably the now-reigning cybernetic puppet master, Elon Musk—are using you Christofascists to destroy Christianity and what was once known as ‘conservatism’ from within. Your witness, such as it is, is worse than worthless: it is an abomination. 

I am hardly a good or pious Christian, though I do profess Christ as saviour; if I lived in the country of my blood, England, I would be more likely to be found at the local pub than Sunday service (alas, I live in #Murica, where we have neither proper pubs, nor much of anyone worth speaking to, so I am found in neither setting). To the point, if God has granted both me and millions of others who do not wear our faith on our sleeve the discernment to see through this charade, then it tells me that thou art falling for a deadly deception: The Great Deception! 

Furthermore, while it still sounds fantastical, I do not entirely dismiss the possibility that Elon Musk may be the Biblical Antichrist. Given the strangeness of this man and the bizarre present circumstances, we cannot completely rule it out. At the very least, he is consciously presenting himself as a would-be Antichrist, and he is sowing near-apocalyptic chaos and destruction. 

American Christianity was thoroughly corrupted long before Donald Trump and Elon Musk entered politics, but now I consider that it may be inexorably heading for the ash heap of history, doing what the Romans never could—destroying itself from within. And for what? The privilege of hating your neighbour with official sanction? It is long past time for you rank-and-file Trump supporters and professed Christians to get all of this through thy thick skulls; and I suspect at least some of you recognise this obvious truth, but go along precisely because you are granted said sanction. Hatred is thy true God, Christianity is just an effective cover and a weapon to be wielded against your designated enemies. 

If this describes you, then congratulations, you are everything that is wrong with this country and our world. The flip side of the same coin as the Islamists who blew up the Twin Towers and have caused so much suffering across the planet for decades. Same circus, different clowns, and every bit as unfunny and deranged. - Arthur Newhook, 24 January 2025

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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