Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Muscovites' nascent comprehension of Trump’s perfidious nature portends grave ramifications all around

photo: Andrew Harnik/Getty

“(A)cting like a hooligan that hasn’t gotten a beating in a long time.” Russian state television pundits have expressed their dismay—to put it mildly—over Trump’s threats of tariffs and further sanctions should Putin fail to withdraw from Ukraine promptly. While I endorse the imposition of stringent economic measures against them, the Russians are having to come to terms with the fact that Trump is loyal to neither man nor cause, and will turn on anyone at the slightest provocation. The Russians, as any scholar of history would recognise, truly detest being made to appear foolish, and will not hesitate to exact violent retribution upon those who dare to humiliate them. Nazi Germany found this out, in an exceedingly brutal and inhumane manner. 

Trump’s supporters among the American public are focused on domestic matters and are willing to tolerate any action he takes, provided it results in the suffering of fellow Americans. However, the Russians will not be so accommodating of such duplicitous behaviour, and this will likely exacerbate the pain and hardship inflicted upon the Ukrainian people—though, of course, this is of no consequence to Trump, whose sole aim is self-aggrandisement as ever. I repeat, the people of #Murica have no bloody clue what they have wrought by returning this s**tbag to power; and they shall steadfastly refuse to ever acknowledge, even when the nukes start flying, so blinded are they by their unbridled malevolence against their countrymen and their inherent lack of intelligence and character. To the bitter end, they will scapegoat fellow Americans, immigrants, and global Jewry before they ever admit their colossal errors. - Arthur Newhook, 23 January 2025

Copyright 2025, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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