Wednesday, January 20, 2021

End of the Trump presidency

Reflecting on the last four years, feeling grief for all that was broken, corrupted, lost. If only possible, if we could now go into a season of hibernation like grizzly bears. We all need the rest; alas, even with better leadership nothing is getting easier anytime soon. I will forever be proud to have been an original #NeverTrumper from 2015 onward, and to have joined with so many good folks in the #NeverTrump movement. And we continue on: We made our point about Trump, but the business of punishing the GOP remains. As for Mr. Biden, I pledge support but never sycophancy. His presidency will be judged fairly and honestly here.

‘It became sort of lawless.’ Multitudes of problems with the COVID vaccine rollout in Florida, Texas, and elsewhere. Demand far exceeds supply

First case of the more infectious COVID variant originating in the UK confirmed to have briefly passed through Massachusetts, via Logan Airport stop-over

Lame-duck president lifts COVID travel restrictions for air travelers from Europe and Brazil, beginning January 26. But Biden spokeswoman says the new president will immediately overturn that order

Only country in the world where this can be claimed: China reports its economy grew by 2.3% in 2020, though retail sales are down sharply and COVID cases back up

U.S. Capitol Police chief steps aside days earlier than scheduled

Insane. The United States teetering on the edge of officially being a banana republic: ‘U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event’

FBI: Far-right groups planning ‘armed protests’ at all fifty state capitals and at the U.S. Capitol prior to Inauguration Day

FBI arrests Capitol rioter and  ‘Cowboys for Trump’ leader - New Mexico county commissioner Couy Griffin - after he publicly threatened to return fully armed to the Capitol to place a flag on Pelosi’s desk

Giuliani under investigation by the New York State Bar Association following ‘let’s have a trial by combat’ line at January 6 ‘Save America’ rally

Heavy metal guitarist photographed pepper-spraying police officers during the Capitol riot turns himself into the FBI

How about that? Research lab finds election fraud misinformation online dropped 73% in the week following Twitter’s ban of the lame-duck president

An epic failure, all the way around: ‘Others will continue to fan the flames of extremism.’ Political scientists reveal how Trump has forever changed American politics

‘He was just everywhere.’ A tired country after four years of Trump

Biden nominates Dr. Rachel Levine - Pennsylvania’s top health official - to assistant secretary of health, the first transgender individual to be nominated to any post requiring Senate confirmation

Let’s hope he reconsiders this. Green energy is going to take decades to become common-place; meanwhile, we can’t remain dependent on foreign adversaries: Biden indicates he will sign Executive Order canceling Keystone XL pipeline permit

Prayers for this man: Putin poisoning victim Alexei Navalny returns to Russia to serve thirty-day sentence

In spite of pandemic, single-family home sales hit sixteen-year high in Massachusetts

COVID killed Phil Spector

Rest in Peace, Don Sutton. Hall of Fame pitcher dies at 75

Roll Tide: Congratulations to Alabama on winning the national championship game over Ohio State, 52-24. An excellent performance, especially by DeVonta Smith. Nick Saban’s record seventh championship. Have to hand it to the Crimson Tide!

Copyright 2021, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here.

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