Sunday, June 27, 2021

Week in review, 06/20 - 06/26

Photo: AP

Relieved this whole saga is coming to an end: ‘A judge sentenced former Minneapolis cop Derek Chauvin on Friday to 22-and-a-half years in prison for the murder of George Floyd’

‘4.8 undiagnosed SARS-CoV-2 infections for every diagnosed case of COVID-19, and an estimated 16.8 million infections were undiagnosed by mid-July 2020 in the United States’

Delta Plus is now a COVID-19 ‘variant of concern,’ as three Indian states told to keep watch and the variant has been detected in at least nine other countries (including the USA)

99.9% of COVID hospitalizations and 99.2% of deaths in May were unvaccinated people

Scientists discovering that either COVID or COVID symptoms are causing some patients’ brains to shrink

COVID-19 took a major toll on the United Kingdom, as deaths outnumbered births for the first time in over forty years and the increase in the death rate was the highest since World War II

‘Republican states are failing to meet the basic needs of their residents. Among unvaccinated Americans, infection rates are climbing. More will get sick in those places, and some will die. Republicans are unwilling or incapable of meeting the challenge’

Graph: Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Is the current rise in inflation a temporary post-COVID effect, or is it here to stay?

As a one-time retail worker, I am delighted to see this happening: ‘My life isn’t worth a dead-end job.’ Retail workers are quitting at record rates for higher-paying work

Buyers paying up to a million dollars over asking price for houses: A decaying nation, and yet more proof that it has become an evil country as well. Ordinary people are being deprived of living in actual homes, at an increasingly rapid, scary pace. For no legitimate reason other than shameless greed

Gen. Mark A. Milley. Photo: Getty Images

Top U.S. general rejected Trump suggestions military should ‘crack skulls’ during protests last year: The people crowing the most about ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom’ are always the ones most eager to silent dissent, and this is their hero and protector. No real mystery anymore as to why millions are loyal to Donald Trump

The GOP is not upset that young people are being indoctrinated into an ideology, only that it’s not their ideology that is being forced: Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill requiring college students and professors to register their political beliefs with the state

DOJ sues Georgia over voting restrictions law

FBI issues warning that frustrated QAnon adherents no longer ‘trust the plan’ and may begin to resort to real-world violence: QAnon is not dead, it is evolving into something far worse

January 6 was child’s play compared to what is to come: ‘However much crazy you think is percolating in American society right now, you are very likely underestimating the situation.’ The appetite for political violence is growing on the American right

America is a nation abandoning meritocratic principles, and this will be our downfall. George Will: Attacking ‘merit’ in the name of ‘equity’ is a prescription for mediocrity

‘(A) people without a heart, unable to see half their countrymen and countrywomen as anything but the enemy.’ Timothy Egan: America is getting meaner

Take this with a grain of salt. I live in the Commonwealth, and have traveled most everywhere east of the Mississippi. There’s good and bad everywhere: Massachusetts ranked among the ‘least kind’ states in America in study

Photo: Kai Geng

The discovery of an unknown, now extinct, species of humans? Yeah, that would be a pretty big deal: Scientists hail stunning 'Dragon Man' discovery

‘Hundreds of birds are dying without explanation in parts of the South and Midwest. Wildlife experts in at least six states and Washington, D.C., have reported an increase in sick or dying birds in the past month’

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