Saturday, July 31, 2021

Tokyo reports record virus cases days after Olympics begin

Photo: AP

For over a year, it had been considered doubtful that Tokyo was going to be ready to host a post-pandemic Olympics, or that the pandemic would be over by this time. The Japanese went ahead anyway - albeit without live spectators at events - and here we are. AP -

TOKYO -- Japan's capital, Tokyo, reported its highest number of new coronavirus infections on Tuesday, days after the Olympics began. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga urged people to avoid non-essential outings, but said there was no need to consider a suspension of the Games.

Tokyo reported 2,848 new COVID-19 cases, exceeding its earlier record of 2,520 daily cases on Jan. 7. That brings its total to more than 200,000 since the pandemic began last year.

Tokyo is under its fourth coronavirus state of emergency, which is to continue through the Olympics until just before the Paralympics start in late August.

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