Thursday, July 22, 2021

Week in Review, 07/15 - 07/21

A ‘pretty dark story about what’s happening in the U.S.’ Life expectancy dropped by 1.5 years in 2020 as COVID raged the country, and may continue to drop in the years ahead as the pandemic’s long-term effects become more apparent

Very discouraging, and a direct result of all the disinfo, myths, conspiracy theories, and blatant falsehoods that far too many Americans are desperately clinging to: U.S. COVID cases rise as Delta variant spreads

‘With vaccination rates still not at the threshold needed to stop the spread of Covid-19, most Americans who are unprotected will likely contract the rapidly spreading Delta variant, one expert said’

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky: ‘This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated’

Starting to feel as though all the progress we made in the last few months is about to be completely lost: Arkansas Children’s Hospital doctor warns of critically ill kids with COVID-19

From a doctor in Alabama, last in the nation in vaccination rates: ‘One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late’

'Pandemic profiteers' are using deceptive tactics to peddle products and subscriptions; ‘Federal Trade Commission is under pressure to crack down.’ If America were a sane society, spreading vaccine disinfo for profit during a deadly pandemic would be a felony and worse. We’re done for

President Biden slams Facebook, says ‘they’re killing people’ for allowing vaccine disinfo on their platform: Spreading blatant and deadly falsehoods in a time of national emergency is not ‘free speech.’  All rights and privileges can, and will, be abused. Social media companies should not be in the business of enabling such abuse; not when lives are on the line

The Los Angeles Times editorial board argues that it’s time to force the unvaccinated to get incolucated

Fox News host Brian Kilmeade compares choosing not to get vaccinated to cliff diving, saying people are making the ‘choice’ to die: The unvaccinated do make a ‘choice to die,’ so to speak, but it’s not the choice of people they may be spreading their germs to. Is that not bloody obvious by now? Oh, but it’s ‘not their job to protect anybody,’ he says. A-ha. This is what we’re up against

FAA and TSA sound alarm on sharp increase in in-flight incidents involving unruly passengers, the overwhelming majority of these being mask disputes. ‘(M)ore than 85 physical assaults on TSA officers since the beginning of the pandemic’

Unvaccinated Trump supporter on Cape Cod who spread vaccine conspiracies dies after battle with COVID: Of course, many are saying the lady got what she deserved. But it’s very sad. Just so much death that could have been prevented

India’s COVID death toll is estimated to be up to ten times higher than the 415,000 reported by the nationalist regime: By my very rough (possibly incorrect) calculations, if Indians are dying at the same rate as they have in America, then about 2.5 million would be dead. But this report says it is somewhere between 3.4 and 4.7 million, meaning they are dying at a higher rate than Americans

Coming soon to America, no doubt. Mucormycosis: India records more than 4,300 'black fungus' deaths, mostly affecting COVID-19 patients

‘Africa is now in the deadliest stage of its pandemic, and there is little prospect of relief in sight’

Trudeau: ‘Canada could open its border to fully vaccinated Americans for nonessential travel as early as mid-August’

States that ended federal unemployment benefits see no clear-cut job gains: A lot of people are getting fed-up with being taken completely for granted in return for peanuts. We’ve heard a lot of talk of that lately, and these stagnant numbers would appear to back that up

New revelations emerge in the ‘Kremlin papers,’ with intelligence agencies confirming the Russians had compromising information on Trump and he was therefore viewed as the person to ‘destabilize’ America (mission accomplished)

Another omen that institutions are failing and the constitutional republic is in worse shape than we even realize: The most powerful man in the U.S. Armed Forces feared potential ‘Reichstag moment’ aimed at keeping Trump in power

It’s as though we’re becoming some Northern Ireland, only much larger and messier: Two men charged in plot to blow up Democratic Party headquarters in California

The Arizona recount - A scam of epic proportions, but #Cult45 sheep will commit Harakiri before ever admitting how badly they are being duped. Or are they even being duped? So long as their pet hatreds are being stoked, they are forever loyal to their leader and will always play along with the lies: We now know exactly what the Trump-backed Arizona ‘audit’ is going to do

‘Support for secession is growing among every partisan group in the months following the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol but particularly among southern Republicans, a new poll found.’ America is not going to remain intact. Sometime in the next decade or two, it’s all coming apart. Simply because Americans want nothing more than to tear each others’ throats out. We really do not like one another

‘Free speech’ does not drown out bad speech. The ‘ugly truth’ of how Facebook enables political extremism may just be that Zuckerberg is a naive dope with a little too much faith in people. At least that’s what a new book essentially claims

A local judge ordered a New Jersey Trump supporter to take down anti-Biden banners over obscenity complaints: Would wager anything that if this stupid woman lived mostly among fellow Trump supporters, and an outspoken Biden supporter moved in among them, she and her fellow travelers wouldn’t be so kind to that individual. Trump supporters have proven time and again they only care about their rights, and not yours. Liberty for me, but not for thee. At the core, they are overgrown schoolyard bullies

Yeah, we’ve got a real Bolshevik in the White House alright (/s). President Biden: ‘Communism is a failed system -- a universally failed system. And I don't see socialism as a very useful substitute.’ Deems Cuba ‘a failed state’

White House to issue advisory to companies about the risks of doing business in Hong Kong; ‘The situation in Hong Kong is deteriorating. And the Chinese government is not keeping its commitment that it made how it would deal ... with Hong Kong’

Anti-Semitic activists hiding behind specious, misleading, and very selective human rights concerns to punish the Jewish State for having the gall to exist is a great evil. Thankfully, unlike Ben and Jerry’s, not that many corporations have bowed to the pressure from the likes of BDS, and are still doing business in the region

‘Several of the central figures under investigation by the Haitian authorities in connection with the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse gathered in the months before the killing to discuss rebuilding the troubled nation once the president was out of power’

The days of pretending climate change isn’t a reality are long past, as extreme weather events only continue to increase in frequency and intensity. A terrible tragedy unfolding in Central Europe as at least 120 are dead in widespread flooding, 100 of those alone in Germany

Continued prayers for all: Merkel and German lawmakers approve emergency relief aid for those affected by deadly floods; dozens still missing

At least twenty-five killed in massive flooding in Henan province, China

Mysterious illness killing songbirds in several eastern states; Massachusetts officials urge residents to remove bird feeders and bird baths

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