Saturday, July 31, 2021

Key Afghan city in danger of falling to the Taliban

Photo: Jim Huylebroek/NYT

These monsters should have been wiped out years ago, and the U.S. forces and their allies had the capability to do it. If not for politically correct rules of engagement and terrible decision-making over many years. The New York Times

KABUL, Afghanistan — An important city in Afghanistan’s south was in danger of falling to the Taliban on Saturday as their fighters pushed toward its center despite concerted American and Afghan airstrikes in recent days.

Reports from Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand, a province where the Taliban already controlled much of the territory before their recent offensive, were dire: People were fleeing their homes, a hospital in the city had been bombed, and government reinforcements were only now arriving after days of delays.

“We are just waiting for the Taliban to arrive — there is no expectation that the government will be able to protect the city any more,” said Mohammadullah Barak, a resident.

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