Monday, May 16, 2022

Capitulating to COVID and getting shot down in the streets and in the aisles of supermarkets: Just another weekend in #Murica

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

I reject the populist notion that ‘the people’ - in very general terms and never including disfavored groups - are sacrosanct and ‘good’ just by virtue of existing. So what if you’ve worked hard in life, if you’re a Fascist a**hole, or otherwise deluded into a belief system I do not follow, then I do not want you governing me. Period. Truth be told, most people are not good people, as we can see from the sordid headlines below. Hard truth about life, but the most necessary one.


Eric Topol: The COVID capitulation: As the virus accelerates its evolution, humans retrogress - Excerpt: ‘The United States is now in the midst of a new wave related to Omicron variants BA.2 and BA.2.12.1 with over 90,000 confirmed new cases a day and a 20% increase in hospitalizations in the past 2 weeks. That belies the real toll of the current wave, since most people with symptoms are testing at home or not testing at all; there is essentially no testing for asymptomatic cases. The real number of cases is likely at least 500,000 per day, far greater than any of the US prior waves except Omicron. The bunk that cases are not important is preposterous. They are infections that beget more cases, they beget Long Covid, they beget sickness, hospitalizations and deaths. They are also the underpinning of new variants.’ (Ground Truths 5/15)

Matt Rourke/AP

Buffalo supermarket shooter was inspired by the ‘great replacement’ conspiracy theory, live streamed the shooting to followers on Twitch - I do not even have the words today for how sick this is. My condolences to the families and friends of all victims. (Washington Post 5/15)

President Biden condemns the racially motivated mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket (NBC News 5/15)

One day later, another mass shooting as gunman opens fire at California church, killing one and injuring four others  (New York Times 5/15)

Wait, there’s more: Two dead, three wounded in shooting at Houston flea market (Fox 26 Houston 5/15)

Mass shooting in Milwaukee following basketball game leaves many injured, mayor imposes two-night curfew (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 5/15)

Matthew J. Lee/Boston Globe/Getty Images/Pats Pulpit

On and off the field, one of the great New England Patriots of all-time. Rest in Peace, Gino Cappelletti (New York Times 5/13)

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