Sunday, May 8, 2022

The United States is dying by its own hand, being killed by those who, on one hand, claim to love it most, and yet also falsely claim to be most betrayed by it. Putin’s stooges, wittingly or unwittingly. F**k you


Wishing all my friends who are moms, and to all moms, a wonderful Mother’s Day. And extra special blessings to all the Ukrainian mothers. #StopPutin #StandUpForUkraine Слава Україні

EA Worldview

I believe we are maybe two, three years away from the vast majority of white Americans rising up and explicitly demanding the ethnic cleansing of the United States. Led on by Donald Trump and the GOP. There is no way this union stands much longer, its people hate each other too much for that to be possible. There is no other logical end game for this extreme right brainwashing that has been so successful in destroying any semblance of unity - whatever that may or may not have entailed beforehand - in this dying country. And when the moment of the ultimate right-wing coup arrives, and it will, the nationalist populist alliance will sacrifice useful idiots such as Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens, Dan Bongino (is he black?), and the braying stereotypes known as Diamond and Silk. Bank on that, they are all useful idiots and each lower than an ‘Uncle Tom.’ We are in for ugly times in this Fascist hellhole, especially once #Murica finally gets done s**ting on President Biden - the best president this nation has had in decades, that an entire country is determined to undermine - and succeeds in pushing him aside. I hold zero hope in this nation’s people and this country has outlived its usefulness - once considerable and beneficial to global order - to humanity ...

I am begging President Joe Biden to assert his authority over this country. A country full of whining a**holes, enough already! Mr. President, address this persistent unpopularity in opinion polls, and set the people straight! My one complaint with this man is that he is, usually (there have been wonderful exceptions), too damn nice. Crack the whip, Mr. Biden, get #Murica in line. Marital law if need be, these malcontents are begging for it. Supporting Putin while they can see Ukrainian civilians are being targeted and killed, my god. How could I possibly stand with the people of my country, as a believer in God, when they cheer on such evil toward innocents and hate their own leader without due cause?

Christian nationalism and white supremacy are going to make an ostentatious last stand in #Murica - already doing so to a degree - and it’s going to be our final undoing as a nation. The people who claim to love this country the most will be most responsible for its demise …

Why hate modern #Murica, redneck nation? Have any of its most fervent adherents done even a single positive thing for this country in years? Truly? Do they do anything but express hate and engage in mindless tribalism, as if these were the Middle Ages? Does the @GOP really have anything of value, or no value, to offer this country, f**king airheads and useless dolts they are? Will the other party ever grow a spine and denounce populism for this country’s own good? Will the people of this country, so out-of-control and full of hate and ignorance, ever be brought to bear and listen to reason? I feel it so strongly in the air, people just want to start killing each other, and that is going to happen, soon. For my own personal safety, and for the sake of all that is good and holy, I pray God that He will bring this evil nation to its bloody knees. Seriously, 99% of you are f**king evil, America, and my God is going to make you pay for your evil.

Susan Walsh/AP

The First Lady visits Ukraine on Mother’s Day - And she will receive not one ounce of appreciation or acknowledgement from the American people, evil bastards. (AP 5/08)

Bryan R. Smith/Getty Images

WHO: Worldwide COVID-19 death toll is estimated to be nearly three times higher than officially reported - New estimates include those believed to have died as an indirect result of the pandemic, or ‘excess deaths’ as they are classified. (CNN 5/05)

NYT: The era of cheap and plenty may be ending - The end began long before 2020, but that is when it began in earnest; when the real hurt began settling in. America’s best years are behind it, and inflation is here to stay. Vladimir Putin is not helping matters any. Excerpt: ‘Starting late in 2020, prices for washing machines, couches and other big products jumped sharply as production limitations collided with high demand. Inflation has only accelerated since. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has further snarled supply chains, raising the prices of gas and other commodities in recent months and helping to push the Fed’s closely watched inflation index up 6.6 percent over the year through March. That is the fastest pace of inflation since 1982, and price gains are touching the highest level in decades across many advanced economies, including the eurozone and Britain.’ (New York Times 5/03)

Francisco Seco/AP

Dozens feared dead in Russian attack on school in the eastern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia - In the same city where the nuclear power plant was attacked on March 3, nearly triggering a global catastrophe. This level of evil knows no bounds and will only be stopped by sheer force. (AP 5/08)

Panzerhaubitzen: Germany to send self-propelled armored howitzers to Ukraine, offer training to certain Ukrainian soldiers - The big guns; can fire up to a distance of 25 miles. Another remarkable shift in long-standing German policy, which has always been to avoid sending weapons to regions involved in conflict. (Deutsche Welle 5/06)

(UATV Video 5/08) Russian students experience the consequences of taking part in protests against the 'special operation.'

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