Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sound the alarm: Trump is escalating warnings that all dissent against him will be criminalised in his second presidency

'Totally illegal': Trump escalates rhetoric on outlawing political dissent and criticism. {NBC News 13 October}

I’ve long said that the top priority of Donald Trump and his millions of cult-like followers is to dominate the culture and force their fellow citizens to conform to their will. Criticising him is already dangerous to one’s health in certain areas of this country, or in certain circles, and shall soon outright become illegal everywhere. Pay attention to the way his devout supporters speak: they genuinely want all Americans on their side and react with venomous rage to even the slightest criticism. They see any attack on him as a personal attack on themselves, and like him, they are highly sensitive and willfully ignorant. The United States now revolves around one man, Donald J. Trump, and those of us who refuse to bend the knee to him are in serious trouble. Better pay attention, because he is telling us what he is going to do: millions will be repressed, and millions more are perfectly fine with that. Dark days lie ahead.

Recent headlines:

Q-Anon guru and convicted felon Michael Flynn, when questioned, does not deny that he wants Trump’s political enemies to be executed - Quote: ‘Believe me, the gates of hell, my hell will be unleashed.’ {Raw Story 12 October}

‘(C)ompletely comfortable channeling his inner eugenicist.’ Mary Trump: Donald went full-on fascist. {Substack 12 October}

Gen. Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump, says Trump is ‘fascist to the core’, the gravest danger to the US in its history. {The Independent 11 October}

‘If given a second term, (Trump is) preparing to go much further, reimagining the military as an all-powerful tool to deploy on U.S. soil.’ {AP 13 October}

People are just so far gone, it’s honestly making me lose all faith in humanity.’ US meteorologists receiving death threats for doing their jobs - Another quote: ‘Ignorance is becoming socially acceptable. Forty or 50 years ago, if I told you I thought the moon was pretend, people would have laughed at me. Now, people are bonding over these incredibly fringe viewpoints.’ This f**king country, I swear. {Rolling Stone 9 October}

‘What’s happening in America today is something darker than a misinformation crisis.’ {Charlie Warzel 10 October}

Poll shows one-fifth of young Americans, and one-tenth of Americans overall, believe Adolf Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy, after all - Take with a grain of a salt, the real numbers are undoubtedly a bit higher {Daily Mail 12 October}

Amsterdam, NY: A giant sign reading ‘vote for Trump’, visible from the Thruway and posing a hazard to drivers, has been given the ‘OK’ to be illuminated - Take NYC and its metro area out of the equation, and most of what remains of New York is a red state. {NY Upstate 8 October}

Trump falsely claims he has visited the Gaza Strip, ‘and it’s rough.’ {CNN 8 October}

England: North London golf club vandalised with swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti. {Jerusalem Post 12 October}

Severe COVID-19 cases from the first pandemic wave may face double the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study finds. {ABC News 11 October}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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