AP: A transcript of Trump and Zelensky's Oval Office argument
This is the most reprehensible and abhorrent spectacle I have ever witnessed emanating from an American President and Vice-President. The Musk regime has transformed the United States into an adversary of Ukraine and a confederate of the genocidal megalomaniac in Moscow. It would appear that the majority of Americans sanction this position if the persistent lamentations regarding financial assistance to Ukraine during President Biden's tenure serve as any barometer. I am profoundly revolted by, and mortified for, the citizenry of this wretched nation; they have facilitated this fascistic phantasmagoria.
Had the American populace harboured the sort of sentiments in the 1930s and '40s that they presently exhibit (and indeed a minority did, though nowhere approaching today's preponderance, and certainly not including the President of the United States), they would have been proffering justifications for Hitler whilst attributing culpability to the Jews, Poles, and others for their own subjugation. This is not the nation in which I was reared, nor one in which I wish to reside, and were I possessed of sufficient financial resources, I should depart from this moribund cesspit with unprecedented alacrity.resources, I should depart from this moribund cesspit with unprecedented alacrity.