Friday, December 11, 2020

The GOP has become an autocracy, where loyalty to one man ‘trumps’ all else

The GOP has become an autocracy, where loyalty to one man 'trumps' all else. The majority of its members and rank-and-file are cowards and weaklings who possess zero independence of thought. More akin to a cult than a real political party. From Jonathan Last -

What if Trump emerged after the election and said, “Tough loss. Joe Biden put up a good fight. I’ll be back in 2024 to beat him like a drum.” Well, in that situation, there would be no move to overturn the election and no one in the precincts of Conservatism Inc. would be arguing that, ackshually, Donald Trump won by a landslide.

They would not be arguing that because there is no evidence for this argument. None. Absent a command from Trump, no outside observer would have come to this verdict on their own.

But present a command from Trump, this position became mandatory.

This is the definition of autocracy. And once you understand that the GOP itself has become an autocracy, it becomes easy to understand a lot of what’s going on.

Continue reading at the Bulwark

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