Saturday, April 3, 2021

Week in review, 03/27 - 04/02

‘Too many Americans are acting as if this fight is over. It is not.’ Biden warns that progress in the fight against COVID can still be reversed if people do not do their part. People would be wise to take heed

‘Following nearly three months of declines, U.S. coronavirus cases are beginning to rebound once again. The country is reporting a weekly average of 61,821 new Covid-19 cases per day, a 12% increase compared with a week ago’

Millions of Americans return to air travel as vaccines and spring break fever kick in. No wonder we are seeing COVID on the rise again. Every time there’s been a lull in new infections and hospitalizations, these restless herd animals just have to get back out there - no masks on, breathing all over one another, and spreading the virus anew.  And of course, once the numbers start surging again, these same people then turn around and blame the president or some other convenient scapegoat. Or just deny reality altogether. The pandemic may eventually end - once there are enough people vaccinated, and if the vaccines prove to offer more than temporary immunity - but willful stupidity, selfishness, and malevolence will always be with us

CDC: Fully vaccinated individuals at lower risk of transmission while traveling, but travel is still not recommended as COVID cases surge once again

We’ll be stuck in this cycle for years: CDC director expresses concern about the latest COVID surge

‘The Massachusetts Department of Public Health reported an additional 2,160 confirmed COVID-19 cases Friday, bringing the statewide total to 602,792 since the start of the pandemic’

COVID-19 cases increase for the third straight week in Massachusetts schools

The truth is strange enough, no need for any conspiracy theories: WHO study finds that COVID was likely transmitted from bats to humans via another animal

COVID-19 infections once again surging in India, prompting the country of 1.4 billion to severely curtail the number of vaccines it had been exporting to dozens of other nations

‘More than 40% of adults in the United States experienced symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders at some point between August 2020 and the end of January’

Neurological issues plaguing those who had mild COVID-19 symptoms, months after being infected

At one time, charges such as these against the GOP would be considered gross hyperbole at best, and outright defamatory at worst. But, Republicans in recent years have decided to become every single stereotype the other side has about them, so we’ll call this for what it is - 21st century Jim Crow: Georgia’s repulsive new election law is Exhibit A in the GOP’s war on voting rights

No way is this legislation going to survive. If the courts don’t overturn it, corporate pressure will: Coca-Cola and other companies based in Georgia facing boycotts after the state passes law restricting voting rights

‘President Joe Biden called a sweeping elections law signed by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp this week an "atrocity," and said the Justice Department is "taking a look" at the measure’

Mona Charen: Sidney Powell admits it was all a lie; former Trump attorney pleads it was his First Amendment right to engage in made-up claims of election fraud

The grievances of (mostly old) white people are all that the GOP is about now. Persecution complex is their modus operandi, and extremely effective with the target audience. Paul Waldman: Republicans want you to call their policies ‘racist,’ as it’s part of their plan

Making ‘the case for why these events are an utter waste of the president’s time.’ Jennifer Rubin: President Biden excels at his first news conference, while the media embarrass themselves

Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota appears to suggest he would either shoot President Biden or sic a dog on him in moronic ‘come and get it’ tweet

What depths will these right-wing populist clowns not sink to? Did Sen. Ted Cruz need an armored patrol boat to prove he cares about migrant kids

Senator Warren vows to ‘fight to break up Big Tech so you’re not powerful enough to heckle senators with snotty tweets’ after being fact-checked by Amazon in Twitter back-and-forth

Am beyond disgusted: U.S. Capitol officer killed and another injured in vehicle attack. Culprit fatally shot by police after attempting to lunge at them with a knife. President Biden orders flags at half-staff

Consistency of narrative has never been their strong suit, but has always been beside the point for these people: Some QAnon adherents now want us to believe ‘Q’ was only something the boogeyman media - not they themselves - made up to smear them

Death toll from last month’s winter storm disaster in Texas is revised upward

‘Day of terror’ in the former Burma, as the ruling military junta slaughters dozens of civilians, including children: With the events of the past few years and tensions in this country running hot, it is apparent most Americans of today - left and right - would have no moral qualms seeing people on the other side being shot by a politicized military dedicated only to carrying out their ideological crusades. We’re not as enlightened as we believe ourselves to be, and the only thing stopping us from becoming Myanmar is a noble military that stays out of politics and adheres to the rule of law. If the U.S. Armed Forces didn’t stand in the way of corrupt politicians - especially, at this moment, the nationalist GOP - and a malevolent citizenry, this would be us

‘Across Syria, the pandemic has compounded the worst economic crisis since the conflict began in 2011. The local currency has crashed and food prices have soared — increasing by 222% from last year. Nine out of 10 people live below the poverty line and in northwest Syria, close to three-quarters of the 4.3 million residents are food insecure’

Another doctor at Omsk hospital where Navalny was treated reportedly dies

‘They are deliberately turning him into a cripple.’ Vladimir Kara-Murza: The Kremlin may be slowly killing Alexei Navalny in prison, and the world must not let it happen

‘Increasing threats of poaching and loss of habitat have made Africa’s elephant populations more endangered, according to a report released Thursday by the International Union for Conservation of Nature’

Coffee pulp may help revitalize tropical forest growth

NASA determines the asteroid Apophis will not strike Earth for at least 100 years

St. Louis Cardinals great Joe Cunningham - who once battled Hank Aaron for the batting title, and later served as a prominent goodwill ambassador for the organization - dies at 89

Rest in Peace, Howard Schnellenberger: College football coaching great dies at 87

Former Grade 1 winner Unbridled Forever dies after foaling complications

American horse Mystic Guide wins the Dubai World Cup in solid fashion

Known Agenda, son of Curlin, takes charges in the stretch to win the Florida Derby

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