Friday, April 2, 2021

MLB removes the All-Star Game from Atlanta

Just the perception of racism is a non-starter in today’s corporate world, and as a result this new election law in Georgia is doomed to repeal.

Who are any of these Republicans in their legislature fooling, anyway? Who is anyone who believes this crap about a stolen election (the ‘Big Lie’) fooling? A post-election audit was done in Georgia and found no evidence of voter fraud. Yet, electoral integrity - such as they define it - suddenly became of vital importance once they got embarrassed at the ballot box in 2020. The GOP has become a party of affirmative action and grievance for deeply frightened white people, exploiting every single loophole and quirk they can find in state and federal law to retain their rapidly dwindling hold on society. It’s what their base demanded and what the spineless cretins are delivering. If white supremacy is the only thing that is going to temporarily stave off the inevitable demise of their beloved party then we will continue to see Republican lawmakers desperately cling to the 1950s even as the bulk of society moved on long ago. Thus, the GOP and its base of supporters will remain deeply at odds with the rest of us. Money talks, though, and it is the only leverage that can be held over those who are hell bent on making America ‘great again.’ Appeals to reason, common sense, and humanity? No, that never works with hardened bigots (or with most anyone, for that matter.) It didn’t work in the ‘50s and ‘60s - the South had to be dragged kicking and screaming into putting an end to segregation and granting blacks suffrage. Hitting one in the pocketbook is the only way anyone capitulates. Georgia needs Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, and Major League Baseball a lot more than those entities need Georgia. The Braves are a great franchise with a rich history - the uniform the late Hank Aaron wore when he broke Babe Ruth’s home run record. We just lost Mr. Aaron on January 22, and what an insult to his legacy that Major League Baseball has been left with no recourse but to take this action.

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