Thursday, June 30, 2022

The stark realization that the America and world I came of age in is no longer

Jose Luis Magana/AP

Donald Trump seriously could shoot an entirely innocent person in the middle of 5th Avenue, and his supporters would rejoice, while those who merely just tolerate him and other right-wing extremist GOP politicians out of fervent opposition to the Democratic Party would twist themselves into pretzels trying to downplay, ignore, or justify it. The rest of us would be justifiably furious, as we always are every single time the s.o.b. does or says something rotten; as usual, it’d basically be to no avail. At this point, Trump would not be charged if he were to maliciously, and beyond any shadow of doubt, literally murder another individual. The only reason the DOJ has not and will not charge him with a multitude of crimes is the knowledge that #Cult45 will officially kick off the new civil war in earnest the moment it happens. Know what we are dealing with, for the American people are showing their true colors like never before. America today is 100% unrecognizable from what it was in my post-war childhood in the 1980s and 1990s. Back then, preserving our democratic values was sacrosanct, as was upholding the global order that so many had shed blood to achieve in World War II. Now is a period where Americans have turned exclusively inward and are only - key word - concerned with their grievances against one another. We’re not going to survive; the damage has been done, and was self-inflicted. Maybe someday the tide will turn again toward relative peace and prosperity, but not in this generation or the next, and not before millions are slaughtered.

Poll: About half of Americans say Trump should be charged for his role in the January 6 Insurrection - Major caveats here, starting with the fact that polls are never entirely reliable. But, with the possible exception of Nixon following Watergate, it would have been unthinkable for most any American - let alone 48% of the public, and 58% overall believing he bears at least some level responsibility - to want to see a current or former president of either party put in prison prior to Trump. Paradoxically, what is wrong with the other 52%? To be fair, in this poll ‘only’ 31% actually responded that they do not believe Trump should face any charges for January 6 and another 20% somehow don’t have an opinion. 31% is a large number, just shy of one-third, and to take a ‘guesstimate,’ the ultra-right, nationalist populist bunch probably are roughly a third to 40% of the population. So, this poll may very well be accurate; one-third of the population is more than enough for any tyrannical movement to conquer an already-divided country, and that is exactly what is continuing to happen here. #Cult45 - has been radicalized, and we face a situation here very similar to Iran in the mid-to-late ‘70s: President Biden finds himself in the role of the Shah, while Trump is playing the role of Ayatollah Khomeini; and Ayatollah Trump has millions of acolytes prepared for revolution against modernity, and to serve as enforcers of the crackdown on civil society that is already underway. (AP 6/30)

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Liz Cheney, not mincing words - ‘We are confronting a domestic threat we have never faced before. And that is a former president who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional republic. And he is aided by Republican leaders and elected officials who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man.’ (NPR 6/30)

José Luis González/Reuters

Supreme Court rules the president is entitled to overturn his predecessor’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ immigration policy - So, as #Cult45 has itself had a love fest with the high court in the past week, how do they now reconcile with this ruling disobeying their orange messiah? (The Guardian 6/30)

Maxim Shemetov/Reuters

Russia appears to have defaulted on its international debt - Due to a number of factors at play, Russia is not facing certain economic doomsday, but none of this can be making the lives of ordinary Russians any easier. (New York Times 6/27)

Copyright 2022, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here. DONATIONS - click here.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Roe vs. Wade is overturned, and all Hades breaks loose in #Murica. Is the country even worth saving? Ukraine, an honorable nation that is worth saving but has been largely forgotten by the American people, has not wavered in resisting Russia’s aggression

Michael Fischer/Picture Alliance/Getty Images

European leaders expected to formally accept Ukraine as a candidate to join the EU - Allowing Ukraine into the EU is the least Europe can do. Ukraine is defending the continent - indeed, the entire Western world, including ungrateful #Murica - from Putin’s tyranny. NATO membership next. (CNBC 6/23)

Russia is facing its worst recession in thirty years, and the ‘Putin Generation’ is paying the price - Putin is sacrificing the youth of his nation: Not only on the battlefields of Ukraine, but in ways that are severely curtailing their educational and future employment opportunities. (Business Insider 6/20)

[VIDEO] Moscow vows retaliation after Lithuania transit ban - It was Lithuania and the tiny Baltic Republics that led the way toward the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union toward the end of the Cold War, and they’ve been among Ukraine’s strongest allies since Russia began its war of aggression on February 24. Naturally, Putin wants to destroy them, and eventually will if he is not brought to his knees. (Deutsche Welle 6/21)

Prayers for Sievierodonetsk: ‘Russia’s military machine persevered in its ferocious effort to grind down Ukraine’s defences Monday, as the war’s consequences for food and fuel supplies increasingly weighed on minds around the globe after warnings that the fighting could go on for years.’ (AP 6/20)

Jacquelyn Martin/AP

Sixty-eight percent of Americans polled believe the United States is less respected around the world today than in the past - If global opinion of America is ever to recover, it will only be due to another great heroic effort akin to defeating Nazism in World War II. We’re seen as the Nazis now, and increasingly #Murica defiantly lives down to stereotypes. (Pew Research Center 6/22)

Supreme Court votes to overturn Roe vs. Wade - As I’ve stated before, I do not speak about my feelings on abortion. As a legal, political, and social matter, all Hades is breaking loose. These judges are largely shielded from the consequences of their decisions, and maybe that’s a problem of its own. And I don’t know if the Framers desired for Justices to be as ideological as they’ve tended to be in recent times. Legal or illegal, abortions will continue to be performed, and the issue will continue to violently divide the nation. Why it’s such a hot-button topic here, whereas in Europe the issue is largely considered settled and rarely spoken about, I don’t know; but that’s not going to change anytime soon. (AP 6/24)

Ronald Brownstein: America is growing apart, possibly for good - As expensive as living can be in most of the ‘blue nation,’ the ‘red nation’ is not holding up well by most economic and social measures. This, as we witness states controlled by Republicans drift toward authoritarianism and reckless, uncontrolled populism. The rulings this week by the Supreme Court will only serve to further the divide, and the nation is going to break apart, sooner or later. We’re only learning now how good we had it in the final decades of the 20th century, as far as relative national unity, prosperity, and something of a shared vision of what it means to be an American. Such things must come from the heart and cannot be manufactured. Manufactured patriotism only comes through tyranny and brute force, as this world has witnessed far too often. But that is exactly what the Republican Party and its voters want. Most of these people are white, they are scared for their lives, and increasingly we’re seeing a willingness to go to extreme lengths to protect themselves from the real or perceived threats they face. Encouraged by years of conspiracy theories, religious zealots, and Donald Trump, they’re utterly convinced they are under attack. We’re going to have a hard time ever convincing them to stand down, or ever again convincing them of anything, period. It would take generations to repair the rift we have now, so perhaps we should agree to go our own separate ways. I doubt, however, we could even agree on that, as #Cult45 have become a proselytizing bunch determined to control the lives of all Americans. I didn’t always feel this way, but today I am grateful to live in Massachusetts. High cost of living aside. (The Atlantic 6/24)

Maybe now more of these people who have been on the fence concerning the dangers of nationalist populism, with the events of recent weeks, are finally recognizing what has been patently clear to the rest of us since before the 2016 presidential election: #Cult45 and all of its various factions have far surpassed the hard-left and their ‘woke’ agenda as the greater danger to domestic order and personal liberty. There is no compromise with a cult; no making common cause on some issues, no meeting them halfway, and no use in viewing them as some lesser of two evils. The hard-left have some awful ideas that repulse ordinary people, and I will not completely discount the great influence they hold over culture, education, major corporations, so on and blah, blah. Yet, by and large, their numbers are not that great and they have essentially been rendered more of an annoyance than anything else. The far-right, on the other hand, has become *the* mainstream of the Republican Party, ‘conservatism,’ and Christianity in America. They’re the ones filling the majority of state legislative seats. Tens of millions of people all around us are intently listening, many of them armed, all of them angry. In spite of their great love of calling others ‘snowflakes’ and other demeaning slurs - nurtured to great effect by Trump - they are the most thinned-skinned people imaginable, tolerating not even a hint of criticism or dissent. Typical, hypocritical human behavior, but 100% essential to maintaining the brainwashing of any given member of any given cult. Cultists firmly believe it is *they* who are the ‘free-thinkers,’ when there is literally not even one original thought to be found among the millions of them. Cultists are not lying when they say they are protecting liberty, because in their twisted minds that is exactly what they are doing. It is going to take all those ordinary people who, at one time or another, made common cause on certain issues with the right out of exasperation with the excesses of the hard-left, and are now going to have to put those quibbles aside and recognize who the true enemy is. The hour is late, all ordinary Americans of good faith must publicly and loudly refute this nation-killing madness now.

Body-language expert Dr. Jack Brown reveals that Trump was showing contempt for the U.S. flag in that infamous hugging photo from a CPAC conference. (Twitter thread 6/14)

More evidence emerges that Trump pressured the DOJ to validate his baseless election fraud claims (NPR 6/23)

Roberto Jimenez Mejias/Getty Images

FDA approves COVID-19 shots for kids under five - Long past due. If it were not for the incessant whining of the anti-vax lobby and their powerful (GOP) allies in Congress and in the state houses, this would have been done long before now, and we’d be a lot closer to what we were told was the goal of eradicating COVID-19. That was the goal, wasn’t it? Hardly seems so anymore, but any steps forward are appreciated. (AP 6/15)

White House ‘set to announce a new policy requiring cigarette producers to reduce nicotine to non-addictive levels’ - Damnit, Mr. President: Here I am supporting you against all of these nitwits, and you want to take my nicotine away? Half or more of the problems in this world wouldn’t exist if everybody just kept to themselves and minded their own business. Unfortunately, there is a better chance of pigs and horses developing the capability of flight in the next year than humanity ever ‘butting out’ (pun very much intended) of each others’ affairs. (AFP 6/21)


Blaming inflation, more pet owners are surrendering their pets to shelters (KCCI 6/22)

Copyright 2022, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here. DONATIONS - click here.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Stop trying to change anybody’s minds: Facts, reason, and logic get us nowhere with the right-wing populist masses of #Murica

All of this - the myriad of (expensive) lawsuits that all went nowhere, the insurrection on 1/06/21, the damage it has done to the office of the presidency itself, the questionable voting laws that have been passed in certain states - could have been avoided had Trump just been a man and conceded defeat like every other defeated incumbent in history had done before him. We know now his own people told him he lost and that it would be futile to fight it. But fought it he did, and many grifters went along while the rank-and-file eagerly embraced any and all efforts to undermine the lawfully elected president. (This has done great damage to Biden’s standing with a worn-out and worn-down general public.) Upwards of 40% of our population *wants* Fascism; that is far more than enough to elect a president given our unique electoral system and the widespread apathy of millions. A plurality is making it plainly clear they want the rest of the population silenced and only *their* constitutional rights matters. After years of being inundated with conspiracy theories and far-right propaganda, they’re lining up behind Trump because they are sincerely afraid, and honestly believe there is a global plot to genocide them out of existence. Few may say it in so many words (some do), but this survival instinct is in overdrive. How does one reason with wounded animals? #Cult45 would still be a bit uppity right now - remember, they’re still angry as hell about the COVID restrictions - but if Trump had just bowed out gracefully, all of this would be a lot more manageable. Sometimes, it feels to me as if America will be lucky to last to the end of the year before civil war begins in earnest …

Above, a Carl Sagan quote that expresses everything I’ve been stressing of late: Nobody is going to say sorry unless they are forced to (and then, they won’t mean it), few are remorseful for the nation-killing evil they helped facilitate, and few are coming to their senses. Trump gave the average American the greatest gift they ever hoped to receive: The license to openly hate and abuse their fellow Americans. No means of keeping these United States together are possible anymore, the irreconcilable differences among us are too great. Nor is there any hope of a peaceful divorce, for millions are hellbent on violence and silencing the opposition. Civil war is coming; if we’re being honest, it has already been in its ‘cold’ phase for years. Now it’s getting hot: The end result and what comes after, I haven’t a clue, except that life will never be the same as we knew in the late 20th century …

It is true that President Biden does not have as big of a fan club as his predecessor maintains. We didn’t vote for the man to make him the center of a cult of personality, or to worship him as some national father figure. Only cultists would do that. Nor does anyone have real cause to demonize the president to the absurd extent being done. #Cult45 is pathetic. They’ve been thoroughly debunked and delegitimized over and over, but - again - they must keep doubling down, for surrender or admitting error is a fate worse than death to me. As with their deity, Donald Trump. Logic and all else be damned, we’re really f**king screwed.

Win McNamee/Getty Images

Jonah Goldberg: Inconvenient truths. Why Tucker Carlson ignored the January 6 hearing - Pussies and sissies, the whole lot of them. Few exemplified the chicken-s**t more aptly than Tucker Carlson. (The Dispatch 6/10)

Liz Cheney leaves Trump and his GOP apologists reeling - Quote: ‘Constitutional democracies are rarely destroyed by a single blow. Their citizens often sleepwalk into catastrophe, discovering too late that a degree of timely vigilance could have preserved their system of self-rule.’ (Washington Post 6/10)

From NPR, March 2, 2021: Antifa didn’t storm the Capitol. Just ask the rioters - #Cult45 needs to make up their minds: Was January 6 an ‘inside job’ to smear Trump and the GOP, or was it just some ‘patriots’ blowing off steam and not that big of a deal?

Copyright 2022, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here. DONATIONS - click here.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The decaying United States of America: A lost cause doomed for history’s ash heap? If this past week has been any indication, the answer is ‘yes,’ we are doomed

Edvard Munch

January 6 committee presents new video footage of the U.S. Capitol riot, shares testimony from numerous Trump allies - including Ivanka - that his election fraud claims were bogus - The footage is shocking and ugly. The evidence is damning. Yet, I don’t see anything changing politically, or any of the important players going to prison. In fact, the January 6 attack was just the beginning of much violence to come. We have mass shootings on an almost daily basis in #Murica, and it hardly phases anybody now. Certainly not enough to enact reasonable gun regulation on the federal level. The people of this country really don’t want to be bothered with this, just as they’ve proven they don’t want to be bothered with the war in Ukraine, or with further COVID-19 restrictions. Some are angry about gas prices and inflation, and they blame the old man in the White House; but most are just apathetic and only want to play video games, or watch ‘reality TV,’ or gorge on cheeseburgers, anything but giving a damn. Even without majority support - due to anemic voter turnout - the GOP are going to win large majorities in both houses of Congress, and the march toward total Fascism will move forward. In fact, many who are currently on-the-fence politically or apolitical will come to welcome our Fascist overlords. In no small part because #Cult45 and GOP lawmakers are growing increasingly willing to enforce their positions upon others, and others will be threatened into compliance. #Cult45 are eager for violence. If anything, this new footage is only going to inspire more violence, and fewer and fewer Americans will care unless they’re the victim. Or even ‘if’ (and when) they are the victim. This is a broken country full of broken people, and it does not have the will or the means to defeat this Fascist plague. We’re going full Nazi, and most seem to sense it and are resigned to it. For those of us who will never accept Fascism, the remnant - only God knows what will happen to us. I know what my gut tells me, and better dead than a slave. I’ve been suffering panic attacks for years, fearing a moment exactly as we saw on January 6, 2021. And worse; worse is coming, the current situation is awful enough. I’ve prayed that these premonitions of unbridled hate and warfare in the streets of America were all just my paranoia, but it’s all proceeding in real-time just as I feared. Until I breathe my last, however, I carry on expressing my indignation at what has become of this country and what its people have become. And longing for a better life in a world far from our own. (NBC News 6/09)

I’ve been telling you folks for several years now that the nationalist populist right in America - #Cult45 - are going to stop at nothing in their crusade to destroy liberal democracy and restore Fascism, theocracy, misogyny, and racism. Great, I am glad the hearings are happening, and much respect to Bennie Thompson, Liz Cheney, and the J6 Committee for their work. Know this, however: No matter what is revealed, nobody’s minds are going to be changed. Not a single pro-Trump Republican voter in America is going to be moved by this, bank on that. None of the J6 ring leaders will ever go to prison. Just as with the most recent school massacre in Texas, and the discussion over whether to show the public the images of the slain children: They could do that, and not a single Second Amendment absolutist is going to change his or her mind. Millions of Americans will scorch the earth if widespread gun confiscation were to occur. The anti-abortion lobby is never going to be swayed, the COVID deniers will never be swayed by facts, reason, or logic. Christ Himself could return in the flesh and chastise evangelical Christians for their hypocrisy and the cruelties being done in His name, and none of these Christofascists are going to give an inch. Yes, they would reject Him. The extreme right has grown very large and very powerful, and it will take victory in a long, bloody civil war to ever stop them - do NOT underestimate how determined millions of our fellow Americans are to silence other Americans! And that very much goes for the extreme contingent on the hard-left, but they are not nearly as numerous (or as well-armed) as the extreme right. Fewer and fewer of us are occupying the center, which is really the most dangerous spot an American can occupy when surrounded by blood-thirsty vampires on the left and right. This isn’t the old days, such as in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, when everybody finally comes to their senses and realizes they were supporting a crook. The battle lines have been drawn, hearts have been hardened, humanity has been lost, we are heading for civil war, and the ultimate dissolution of the republic. Not going to sugarcoat it, having faith in people to do the right thing these days is futile.

Americans spending half or more of their time whining about how bad President Biden they believe to be, while simultaneously baffled and angered - just like the idiots and lemmings they are - because not everybody loves the corrupt, orange buffoon who - in four short years - did more damage to the office of the presidency than every one of his predecessors combined in over 200 years of American history. There isn’t any use in even talking to any of them or trying to reason; people only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. Trump is their opiate, one of their few comforts in this miserable world, and the one giving them permission to be their true, ugly selves. And to take their idol away from them is something they are not ever going to forgive or forget, and they are very likely to turn more to violence and outright Fascism at ever-faster rates. We are in a dangerous time, and if I have a criticism of President Biden, it is that he is not laying down the law strongly enough, and usually doesn’t defend himself as he really needs to (and is capable of, but I think maybe his handlers are a bit too wedded to this kindly old-man image they wish to project.) This is a man who spent 36 years in the United States Senate, holding some very powerful chairmanships in that time. Eight years as VP. The man is going to be 80 this November, and is undertaking one of the hardest jobs in the world, and 95% of his critics can barely get out of bed each day (not that I’m one to talk about getting out of bed, but I’m not the one talking s**t about the president.) If Biden goes all-out authoritarian, it will be because #Murica has so richly earned it. Seriously, I’m not the smartest man alive, but I knew an obvious con-man when I saw one in the 2016 campaign. And I’ve lived long enough to recognize a mass hissy-fit when I see one. Lord knows there have been plenty in recent years in this ridiculous and stupid nation. You are pathetic, #Cult45. And that also goes to all the grifters in the media - laughing all the way to the bank while America is torn apart, no real care for the preservation of our constitutional republic - and to the hard-left whackos who are the flip side of the same tyrannical coin as #Cult45. To the whole lot of you: Not a single word you say, and nor any of your actions will ever be taken seriously by me, or millions of others around the world, ever again. Bloody fools, you are going to be the death of us all. You are not patriots, but agents of death and misery. Here’s hoping for the president to begin kicking seditious ass, and to explain to the whiners that they are not helping matters with their belligerence and petulance.

Roman Chaly

John Schindler: Military history repeats in Ukraine - ‘Russians will always fight like Russians.’ Ukraine needs our support now more than ever, at precisely the moment where most have stopped paying attention. (Top Secret Umbra 6/05)

U.S. Marine and former prisoner of the Russians, Trevor Reed, warns that hostage Brittney Griner is likely being treated especially harshly by her captors - Quote: ‘There is no justice in Russia. Brittney and Paul will not receive justice in Russia. They're not going to receive a fair trial. They will not receive a fair investigation. They will be there as hostages until the United States gets them out.’ (Axios 6/07)

Getty Images

Vital thread, concerning hygiene in hospitals and other medical settings - Long before the pandemic, there were those who outright refuse to even wash their hands; it has never ceased to amaze and disgust me. The backlash against COVID protocols is only creating more belligerence (Dr. Lisa Iannattone 6/08)

Anti-vaccine film that claimed COVID is ‘a synthetic version of snake venom that evil forces are spreading through remdesivir,’ and makes one ‘a hybrid of Satan,’ is thoroughly debunked by scientists - It is as if we are back in the Middle Ages with some of these people. (Genetic Literacy Project 6/06)

Kash Patel

Trump calls for children’s book where he is fictionalized as ‘King Donald’ to be put in all classrooms in #Murica - Our heads may hurt from the stupid, but know this is a dog whistle for GOP lawmakers on the state level to put forward bills to do precisely that. He, and his disciples, will punish their enemies in any manner they can. (Huffington Post 6/05)

Louisiana State Police/AP

DOJ opens probe into Louisiana State Police over countless accusations of a ‘pattern of looking the other way in the face of beatings of mostly Black men’ - Once the current administration is cast aside and the Fascists achieve complete control, the next AG will, also, be ‘looking the other way,’ and it will be open season on everyone who are deemed as outcasts. (AP 6/09)

Copyright 2022, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here. DONATIONS - click here.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Odds and ends: Thoughts on why #Murica is so screwed up in the 21st century, COVID rates multitudes higher than reported, as are Russian death totals in Ukraine, more

New York Post

The 21st century has been awful. Plagued by maladies that in more normal times (the late 20th century) we believed were no longer, or ever, supposed to occur in America - large scale terrorist attacks, pandemics, severe economic turmoil, race riots, disputed elections, the revival of global Fascism, the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs winning championships; and I’m only scratching the surface. Today, I find myself wondering if all this chaos, hatred, and degradation is what people want. The only thing that everybody can seem to agree upon is that the country and the world are in a bad place. Logically, it would stand to reason that people would want to each do their part to fix the overall malaise ailing us. Yet, logic typically has so little to do with human thinking and decision making. Certain types of personalities do exist that thrive on chaos. Considering how large of a role entertainment plays in this culture - is there anything Americans demand more than the privilege of being entertained at all times? - perhaps the modern American is subconsciously bored by stability and order? Not an absolute thesis, just brainstorming.

Hollywood nutjobs battle in court - This is the nonsense #Murica has been paying the most attention to over the last few months. Not the plight of the Ukrainian people, or the threat Vladimir Putin and his nuclear arsenal pose to humanity, not COVID, and not the continuing erosion of our constitutional republic. Two Hollywood weirdos airing their dirty laundry to the world. So, if some sleazy actor is legally allowed to extort millions of dollars from a woman, does that mean I get to take my second-to-last girlfriend - a uniquely horrible person, who has offended me worse than any individual I’ve ever known, and that is saying a lot - to court for the hell she put me through? Does this mean I can sue my former high school classmates for emotional damages, because I know I could put a reasonable case together there? I’ve toyed with the idea of seeking legal council against a few individuals from a ‘fellows**t’ I made the mistake of being part of for nearly five years. But, I’m not some privileged a**hole like Johnny Depp, so I’d be laughed out of court, and nobody would be rooting for me as they root for one or the other litigants in this case. For better or worse, being a bitch is not a crime - and that is a resting bitchface if I’ve ever seen one, albeit she is quite gorgeous - and I have a hard time mustering up any sympathy for a sleazy actor who may have missed out on a part or two because of rumor and innuendo spread by the aforementioned woman that I had never ‘heard’ of until very recently.  Rome is burning, and most of us are choosing to be Nero playing our fiddles. (AP 6/01)

Brendan McDermid/Reuters

Current COVID-19 infections may be up to thirty times higher than being reported - Quote: ‘It’s almost as though we’ve created a national ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ Covid policy – and that is a perfect way to promise that Covid will spread rapidly.’ (The Guardian 6/02)

Copyright 2022, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here. DONATIONS - click here.