Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Fox News rids itself of a notorious propagandist for neo-fascism, but does anything actually change?

Jason Koerner/Getty Images

As everyone knows by now, Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News. Nothing really to see here, as far as I am concerned: One costs their company nearly a billion dollars, of course they are going to lose their job. But, Fox will merely replace him with another propagandist pushing the same rotten, nation-killing agenda. Furthermore, all those in #Cult45 saying they are ‘done with Fox’ are LYING! Repeat, they are lying. Hell, they probably have Fox News on their televisions at the very moment they are posting that they are ‘done’ with it. Fox News is not in any trouble and will continue to be the top rated cable news channel. Not an endorsement, need I point out, but a reality check. Fox News is a drug, and the junkies will keep getting their fix, with or without F**ker Carlson. And the country will continue to rot, and our liberties will keep on eroding. {Read Umair Haque - ‘How hate figures like Tucker Carlson set fire to American democracy,’ and especially the part about how the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ruined everything. Medium 4/25} 

Copyright 2023, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on TWITTER, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, and POST - @arthurnewhook.

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