Saturday, July 6, 2024

After being interrogated by a disrespectful little toad named Stephanopoulos, President Biden should say ‘no more Mr Nice Guy’; no sense in maintaining civility at a moment when Americans no longer respect it, and fascism is knocking on the door

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President Biden should have, in no uncertain terms, bidden George Stephanopoulos of ABC News to go forth and fornicate with himself and should have walked off the set. Likewise, he should have refused to debate Donald Trump, for it proved both a folly and a waste of everyone’s bloody time. 

Americans today respect neither civility nor common manners - behold how they (perchance thou art among them) react on social media whenever another posts anything they dislike or disagree with; they respond with name-calling, childish emojis and memes meant to degrade, and the like. Civility is sneered at, considered a weakness. Go figure, much like their idol Donald Trump, this is a land of thin-skinned bullies who were long ago rendered incapable of expressing themselves any other manner. 

Perchance, Mr Biden might actually benefit politically by adopting a firmer stance with those acting in bad faith, rather than always striving to be the bigger man. Start giving these knaves a taste of their own medicine, Mr President, for none in modern American history deserve retribution more. And it is the only language they understand. As someone who dearly wishes to live in a more civil society, I can plainly see that being the bigger person when dealing with Trump, his supporters, and enablers has gotten us nowhere over the past eight years.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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