Sunday, July 21, 2024

Only halfway decent POTUS of my lifetime is bullied out of continuing his reelection bid, Democrats with blood on their hands

Photo: Bonnie Cash/UPI/Bloomberg/Getty Images

{BBC 21/7} President Joe Biden announces he will no longer seek re-election and endorses Kamala Harris to run in his stead.

I would say that I am forever done with posting about US politics, yet I know that is unlikely to endure. No matter, I shall never be enamoured of this foul age. President Joe Biden is of a different era, and for that reason, I favour him. Yet, there is no restoring sanity; the nation and its people are too far gone. It is all but a clown show now. None of you Democrats reading this shall beat me over the head, for I shall likely cast my vote for Kamala Harris, despite not being overly fond of her—though, remember, I dwell in a solid blue state, so technically I need not do aught—but we are about to learn the lengths to which the American people will go to avoid being governed by a black woman. To say it shall be ugly is putting it mildly. Shoot not the messenger.

Beyond any doubt, in these past eight years, Americans have proven they value being entertained and having their prejudices validated above all else. They will go to great lengths—even to their own detriment—to preserve this wretched state of affairs. Not a serious country, not a serious people. Joe Biden is too good for this wicked nation, and we shall reap what we have sown, which is another Donald Trump presidency and all the horrors that shall ensue.

Recent Headlines:

President Biden outraises Trump in June, but is also compelled to outspend him, for Trump’s advertising is freely provided by the MSM. {Reuters 20/7}

Crypto CEO resigns after tweeting ‘anyone that votes against Trump at this point can die in a f**king fire’. {Fortune 19/7}

JD Vance, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and others: Beware the ‘tech broligarchs’ courting favour with Trump (and Putin). {Carole Cadwalladr 20/7}

‘(N)o reason to actually engage the merits of Vance’s Saul to Mar-a-Lago parable’: JD Vance wants to take America to a ‘dark place’. {Tim Miller 15/7}

JD Vance in 2016: ‘I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole ... or that he's America's Hitler’. Trump’s Christian nationalist, traitorous running mate was an avid NeverTrumper in 2016. {BBC 15/7}

Bill Kristol: ‘The selection of JD Vance confirms that the Trump movement now is a full-on authoritarian movement. {The Bulwark 16/7}

Questions swirl as to why no medical reports have been released by Trump, or reported on by the MSM, since shooting. {Raw Story 17/7}

MUST-WATCH: Witness at Trump rally tells BBC reporter he saw man in a tan suit on the rooftop minutes before the shots, Secret Service did nothing. {BBC 13/7}

Top officials of the European Union will boycott informal meetings hosted by Hungary while the country holds the EU’s rotating presidency, after Hungary’s pro-Russian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held a series of rogue meetings with foreign leaders about Ukraine that angered his European partners. {AP 15/7}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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