Sunday, July 14, 2024

Donald Trump: ‘the infallible one’

Maybe I shall start referring to Trump as ‘the infallible one’. He spends years running his mouth and pissing people off, but then an incident happens and somehow it is President Biden who needs to tone down the rhetoric. Golden Boy Trump can be as fat, old, and senile as he pleases, but even purported supporters of the President say it is Mr Biden who is too old and must go. Orange Godking Trump can stage a coup attempt without facing legal consequences (not in earnest, at least), and yet even President Biden and world leaders calmly wish him well and condemn political violence. All the while, #Cult45 shouts that it is ‘the left’ and President Biden causing all the problems. (And *some* on the left are causing problems, this is true). Trump can spend years hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein and be all over the travel logs, but somehow it is Biden who is the pedo because - and this is a fault of Mr Biden’s - he tends to be a bit too touchy-feely with people. No matter, we are not even scratching the surface of what this man, Donald Trump, has gotten away with. No American in history has been more pampered and protected than he. I am grateful he was not killed, and I absolutely condemn anyone celebrating the actions of Thomas Matthew Crooks. But the double standards are glaring, and I will not stop speaking out against them. #Biden2024

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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