Saturday, July 13, 2024

Shooting at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally is being investigated as an attempt on his life

Gene J. Puskar/AP

One can only run their mouths and threaten their political enemies, piss on our allies while praising America’s enemies, and domineer over all media for so long before someone pushes back. Of course, this all could have been staged, as well. Never put it past those who are constantly crying 'conspiracy' to engage in a conspiracy. Projection is an estimated 75% of their fascist playbook. Either way, #Cult45 must be watched more carefully than ever, as a retaliation attempt on President Biden is likely to follow. {AP 13/7}

Recent headlines:

Ivan Raiklin, Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’, vows to have ‘Deep State’ figures killed. Ordinary citizens are next. {Thom Hartmann 11/7}

Trump asks NY judge to overturn guilty verdict in ‘hush money’ case, citing Supreme Court’s immunity decision - Mark my words, this knave shall prevail in eluding justice. The most cosseted, pampered, and self-entitled man in US history. {NBC News 11/7}

Israeli strike targets a mastermind of the 7 October terrorist attacks, unconfirmed if the bastard is among the dead. {BBC 13/7}

UN estimates that the global population shall reach a peak of 10.3 billion by the 2080s - Naturally, it is the poorest citizens in the most impoverished countries who will not stop breeding like rabbits. It is inhumane to continue allowing this. {AP 11/7}

Alabama GOP chair: ‘The mainstream media wants us to think of ourselves as a democracy because that leads to socialism. - To quote the author of this article: ‘When someone tells you they don’t believe America is a democracy, you can stop right there. They don’t want America to be a democracy’. {Kyle Whitmire 11/7}

Russians launch a fresh missile assault on Ukrainian cities, targeting a children’s hospital in Kyiv - I defy any American in Putin’s fan club to defend this outrage. I am enraged. {AP 08/7}

‘What Trump 2.0 would mean for Ukraine’ - #Cult45 have become so rabidly Ukrainophobic and pro-Putin that even Trump risks their wrath (and Putin’s) if he ever stops talking out of both sides of his mouth and pivots towards Ukraine. {Cathy Young 06/7}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

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