Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A leading education official in MA wants kids back in school full-time

A leading education official in MA wants kids back in school full-time. A horrible idea as long as this pandemic rages, and as long as children are prime vectors for germs. And even after this ends (if it ever does), we have the technology now to allow them to learn from home and for adults in many industries to work from home. I really thought that people might learn a few lessons from this, that we are not pack animals and we do not need to be breathing all over each other and be in others’ personal space at every turn. Foolish of me to have that hope, people never learn and they never change. Solitude is a good thing and keeps us healthy and sane. If anything, these kids need to be taught some self-reliance, but all any of us are ever told is how much 'people need people.' Bull! You know, I can only imagine how much better my life would have turned out if - all those years ago - I didn’t have to physically attend school and be subjected to my peers and all their crap. I think about all the times I got sick - chicken pox, mono, pneumonia - during my school years, and how that could have been avoided by being allowed to keep my distance from others. And how much better I would have turned out if I had been taught self-reliance as a child. This is why I was attracted to 'conservative' ideology before I learned how full of crap the right-wing in America is. But, no, all I’ve ever heard my entire life is ‘get out more, be around people, blah blah.’ I could go on, but the point is this: Anything that reduces traffic, congestion, pollution, and the need to have to endure other people and their germs ought to be welcomed. As Jean-Paul Sartre stated, ‘Hell is other people.'

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