Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Week in review, 01/27 - 02/02

At least we can hope it won’t get any worse, but it was a rotten year by any standard: 2020 was the worst year for economic growth since World War II

‘The U.S. economy has taken a turn for the worse after a winter surge in coronavirus cases, the Federal Reserve admits, but it doesn’t think any more monetary medicine is needed right now’

Shameful that such a simple, common-sense policy took nine months to be put in effect: New CDC edict to require passengers wear masks on all public transportation in the United States

COVID claims the life of 100-year-old British national hero Captain Sir Tom Moore

The UK - or ‘Kent’ - variant of COVID-19 appears to have mutated again and may reduce vaccine effectiveness

‘Not every mutation is created equal,’ How many variants of the coronavirus are there?

This will make some conspiracy theorists’ and anti-vaxxers’ heads explode: FEMA asks the Pentagon to ready as many 10,000 troops to support nationwide vaccine push

Anti-vaccine protesters shut down massive vaccination site at Dodger Stadium for an hour, further stressing hundreds of motorists who had already been waiting in line for hours

Former Wisconsin pharmacist accused of sabotaging 570 doses of COVID-19 vaccine said to believe the sky is ‘a shield put up by the Government to prevent individuals from seeing God’

‘Vaccine hunters.’ Young, healthy people receiving their vaccine shots ahead of schedule by gaming the system

Oakland International becomes first airport in the country to offer COVID-19 test kit vending machines

‘HHS officials inappropriately spent millions in federal funds that were intended for vaccine research and emergency preparedness, according to a federal watchdog’

A warning against ‘vaccine nationalism.’ WHO criticizes the European Union over vaccine export controls, saying they are prolonging the pandemic

Babies receive COVID-19 antibodies from mothers while in the womb, study finds

Photo: Getty Images

Trump parts with impeachment lawyers just over a week before trial is set to begin

The leader of the domestic terrorism group Proud Boys discovered to have once been an FBI informant, though he himself is denying it

Two Proud Boys members indicted in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, one who admitted he wanted to kill Pelosi and Pence

‘The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning Wednesday to alert the public about a growing risk of attacks by “ideologically-motivated violent extremists” agitated about President Biden’s inauguration and “perceived grievances fueled by false narratives”’

A ‘disproportionate’ amount of active and former military personnel among those who were arrested for the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol

Records show some of the insurgents who stormed the U.S. Capitol did not vote in the election whose outcome they were protesting

Grocery chain heiress donated $300,000 to fund the January 6 D.C. rally that led to the insurrection at the Capitol; reached out to Alex Jones for assistance

‘(K)eep (your) cringe to (yourselves), for all our sakes’: A ‘golden age of cringe’

An example of how populist fervor warps the human brain: ‘Trump just used us and our fear.’ One woman’s journey out of QAnon

The ‘uncanny resemblance’ between today’s GOP and the Know-Nothings of the mid-19th century

The GOP is in a really bad spot: Alienate Trump, and alienate most of the supporters the party has remaining. Continue to embrace Trump, and they (further) alienate everyone else: Trump’s new PAC raises over $30 million

Republicans at the state level ‘have made loyalty to the defeated ex-president the sole organizing principle of the party.’ Nationalist populism and conspiracism have a commanding grip on hearts and minds that’s not going to be broken without a fight

Pew Research Center: How America changed during Donald Trump’s presidency

One of Trump’s own pollsters concludes loss of support from white men, disastrous response to COVID-19 cost him the election

President Biden’s early approval rating: 54 percent (Monmouth)

Photo: AFP

Putin critic Alexei Navalny sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison: A very sad day for human liberty. Russia has been emboldened and left unchecked; no amount of international condemnation or mere sanctions is going to rein it in now

China, ‘paying huge premiums for containers, making it far more profitable to send them back empty than to refill them,’ and higher fright rates are meaning higher prices and less inventory: The global food trade has been upended by a container crisis

Thousands flee Hong Kong for the UK as China cracks down on civil liberties

Coup in Myanmar (Burma): Military takes power following election fraud dispute

Secretary of State Blinken warns ‘Iran could be weeks away from having material for (a) nuclear weapon if it continues to lift restraints of nuclear deal’

‘A section of Highway 1 in California is closed after part of the road crumbled and fell into the Pacific Ocean this week, according to the state's transportation agency’

New Tennessee Volunteers’ coach Josh Heupel: Wishing him luck, but no expectations of anything whatsoever

One of the greatest tight ends in NFL history, and before that a standout on Rocky Top. All the best to the man: Jason Witten retiring after seventeen pro seasons

Yes, this is very exciting news: St. Louis Cardinals complete deal for 3B Nolan Arenado

Rest in Peace, Cicely Tyson. A long and fruitful life

Godspeed: The great Tony Bennett - still working at 94 - revealed to be suffering from Alzheimer’s

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