Sunday, February 21, 2021

A tale of two populists: AOC and Ted Cruz

I am seeing a lot of folks comparing Ted Cruz's escape attempt and Ms. AOC's efforts in Texas. Not a fan of either one (once supported Ted Cruz before he lost his mind to populist idiocy, a/k/a Trumpism), but if this is a battle between the two, AOC wins this round. There, don't say I never said anything positive about the great AOC, but she is a dangerous populist just as Cruz and these phonies on the right are. Maybe a bit smarter - if the nationalist populists were smart, they'd be on the ground helping people as she is doing - but also young and still given to naivety. She may more sincerely believe what comes out of her mouth. Certainly much easier to look at, and don't think for a second that isn't a reason the media gives her so much attention. I don't think her rhetoric and ideology are helpful, but good on her for at least practicing what she preaches in this instance. As for Ted Cruz, I have to believe he and many other Republican lawmakers were caught in some very compromising situations and were forced to give themselves over to this nationalist cabal, likely controlled in part or wholly by Vladimir Putin. I wouldn't want to be in the man's shoes for all the riches on earth.

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