Thursday, February 18, 2021

Standing alone in an era of collective madness

While I believe President Biden is doing his best and will continue to do so - governing in good faith - Americans are still very much on the wrong track. I don’t like the direction the right-wing has gone in, going all in on nationalist populism and Trump worship even after suffering humiliating defeat after defeat. And I don’t like the direction the hard left - which is far more numerous and venomous now than before Trump was president - is going, either. Both sides are acting like, well, Nazis. No hyperbole needed. Even as we again have a moderate and sensible president, the country is splitting apart and the sides are growing ever more extreme and intolerant of anything not fitting their extremist world-views. Both extremes are absolutely out of control. Whether it’s one side storming the United States Capitol building, or the other side celebrating a man’s death and demanding that anyone who doesn’t join them is scum of the earth. The over-the-top reaction to the death of a radio host - someone who deserved his fair share of criticism, but is also now dead and can’t piss anyone off anymore - was quite telling. You know, I have never been more glad to be independent and free from having to engage in group-think and hate campaigns, because this is pathetic what we are witnessing all around us. Grown-ass adults who are so butthurt about everything and have no capability or desire to agree to disagree with others. Our country is literally dying on the vine right now - COVID, infrastructure failing, democracy being threatened by demigods, the economy collapsing, morals in the sewer, so forth - and all anyone wants to do is tear other peoples’ heads off all day and night if the other is not marching in lockstep with the tribe. No, I’m never playing that game. I will think for myself at all times, and I will conduct myself as an adult whether children like it or not. My views are nuanced and not easily confined to any one ideology, and I will express myself freely. And, again, it says right on the top of my FB profile, ‘NOT running a debating society.’ I am under no obligation to coddle anybody or to confirm anyone’s worldview, whatever that worldview may be. I’m not even under any obligation to speak to anybody or entertain their views, period. So, in other words, f**k off with the phony outrage and casting aspersions, whoever needs to hear it. And, each of you - whether you’re mindlessly cheerleading for Trump, or are a raving mad ‘social justice warrior’ out to destroy anyone who doesn’t give you exactly what you want - who are engaging in this crap know who you are. Enough of your bulls**t. Those of you who are more sensible and mature, thank you and carry on.

Copyright 2021, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here.

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