Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Week in review, 02/03 - 02/09

I will keep up on all the impeachment trial stuff - or at least whatever I find relevant - on my own time. No interest in watching any of this live. Convict the bastard, and then let's never speak of him again except whenever necessary as a lesson in why populism is a grave danger to the republic.

An eye-opening figure: ‘At January's pace of 49,000 jobs per month, it would take roughly 17 years for the US jobs market to get back to where it was a year ago.’ U.S. job growth sluggish as COVID hampers recovery

Scientists assembled by the WHO in Wuhan say COVID-19 likely originated in animals, but further research is still necessary

Texas Rep. Ron Wright dies following two-week battle with COVID 19

Canada to require all crossing land borders to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test; fines of up to $3,000 for non-compliance

President Biden: Previous administration’s mishandling of COVID-19 ‘even more dire than we had thought;’ 75% vaccination rate or higher estimated to be necessary to achieve ‘herd immunity’ by the end of 2021

I’d estimate 30 percent is probably about the number who will outright refuse vaccination. COVID is going to be with us for a while yet. Dr. Fauci: 70 to 85 percent of Americans will need to be vaccinated for ‘a return to normal,’ but we’re at less than two percent right now (as of Feb. 3)

‘Leading vaccine scientists are calling for a rethink of the goals of vaccination programmes, saying that herd immunity through vaccination is unlikely to be possible because of the emergence of variants like that in South Africa’

South Africa suspends roll out of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine after initial trials show it offered only ‘minimal protection’ against mild and moderate cases of the virus

Large COVID-19 outbreak at UMass-Amherst forces the school to issue two-week self-sequestration order to 5,000 students living on campus and another 8,000 living in the immediate area off-campus

Good idea: ‘Gov. Charlie Baker on Friday announced that Massachusetts is launching a call center for senior residents over the age of 75 who want to make COVID-19 vaccine appointments over the phone instead of on the state’s website’

Give this lady a good citizenship award: Mass. woman creates website to help people book COVID-19 vaccinations

Seems like a fair incentive to me: Kroger offers $100 bonus to employees - ‘nearly 500,000 individuals in 35 states,’ a considerable number - who get vaccinated

‘Politics is not about the weird worship of one dude.’ Thank you, Senator Sasse. Cults of personality are the stuff of tin-pot dictatorships, and those who participate in one - including, but by no means limited to, Trumpers - are no better than sheep. Baah!

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene lashes out at her colleagues - ‘morons’ - who successfully voted to remove the far-right conspiracy theorist from committee assignments. (No, the morons are clearly the majority of your constituents and all of your supporters in GA-14)

Frank Bruni: Marjorie Taylor Greene and the Republican perversion of ‘freedom.’ She’s playing the victim, don’t fall for it

Fools! Putting loyalty to a man ahead of country, and punishing the strongest voice their state party has and is likely to have anytime soon: Wyoming Republican Party censures Rep. Liz Cheney for Trump impeachment vote

Rep. Liz Cheney not backing down an inch, says the GOP should not be the ‘party of QAnon, or antisemitism, or Holocaust deniers, or white supremacy, or conspiracy theories’

Research shows the Republican Party is losing registered voters in droves following the U.S. Capitol riot and the end of the Trump presidency

Phony election fraud challenges have cost U.S. taxpayers $519 million, and counting

Canada officially labels the Proud Boys as a terrorist group

Seriously, WTF!? Trump-appointed federal judge rules Texas woman charged in U.S. Capitol riot can take four-day retreat to Riviera Maya, Mexico

Rest in Peace, Mary Wilson: Supremes vocalist dies at 76

Absolute common sense: President Biden declares the United States will not lift sanctions on Iran until it stops uranium enrichment

#NeverAgain 95 year-old German woman charged with complicity in more than 10,000 Nazi concentration camp murders during World War II

Putin’s regime expels diplomats representing certain European countries for allegedly attending pro-Navalny protests; ‘a further worsening of EU-Russian relations’

A victim of Chinese tyranny who, ironically enough, was posthumously honored by the same government that silenced him. Li Wenliang: 'Wuhan whistleblower' remembered one year on

Australian journalist formally arrested - after having already been detained for months - in China on espionage charges

‘The number of newborns registered with the government in China dropped almost 15% last year, amid widespread concern over falling birthrates in the world's most populous country’

FBI and Secret Service investigating who was behind an attempt to remotely hack into Florida town’s water supply and poison it

Eight-month-old survives after being shot four times by stray bullets meant for another residence. Sickening. Vaguely remember there was a similar situation a few months ago, and the child in that instance died. So thank God this little one is alive

‘Five people were injured and a suspect is in custody after a shooting at the Allina Health Care Clinic in Buffalo, Minnesota, on Tuesday’

An extraordinary life: George P. Shultz, cabinet secretary in the Nixon and Reagan administrations, dies at 100

Fox News cancels Lou Dobbs Tonight following Smartmatic defamation suit. Years back, Lou Dobbs was a solid business news anchor for CNN (‘Moneyline.’) Then he morphed over time into a populist carnival-barker. Have to figure this is essentially the end of his career

Boston’s wild winter storm gradient

Very sad to learn of Pedro Gomez’s passing. I’ll miss his excellent reporting on the game of baseball

MLB owners and the players union agree on health and safety guidelines for the 2021 season: Excellent they got this out of the way now, and not days before the start of the season as could fairly be considered typical for these two sides

Yadier Molina returns to the Cardinals on a one-year deal, his 18th season with the franchise - the most games with a single franchise for any catcher in history

Free agent 2B Kolten Wong signs deal with the Milwaukee Brewers: A very good player, especially defensively, who had his share of highlights in a Cardinal uniform. But not at all irreplaceable

A little perplexed. Dexter Fowler may be on the downside of his career, but is still capable and productive. I would think he would be worth more to the Cardinals than ‘cash or a player to be named later.’ Oh well, best of luck to him in Anaheim

Reigning Cy Young winner Trevor Bauer signs with the reigning world champions, the Dodgers. Three years, $102 million, per MLB Network. A massive deal, to say the least, and possibly makes LA the overwhelming favorite to repeat

Returning to the Braves. The best move for him, and good luck to the erstwhile Cardinal: Outfielder Marcell Ozuna returns to Atlanta on a four-year, $64 million deal

Tom Brady wins his seventh Super Bowl title, his first with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in rout over Kansas City

Congratulations to the greatest QB of them all, Peyton Manning, and to all the inductees in this year’s Pro Football Hall of Fame class

One of the great stories of the NFL season, Alex Smith's comeback with Washington

Four Bruins games rescheduled due to Buffalo Sabres’ COVID-19 outbreak

One-time Montreal Canadiens center and 1959 Calder Trophy winner Ralph Backstrom dies at 83

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