Wednesday, December 1, 2021

What a stupid a**hole: Trump calls outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker ‘selfish’ for not seeking a third term

I am disappointed that Charlie Baker – who has been an excellent governor by any standard, and the single-most popular governor in the nation during his time, google it - is not seeking re-election. But Trump is a loon and should shut his big mouth. -

BOSTON (CBS) – Former President Donald Trump released a statement after Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced he would not be seeking a third term. 

“RINO Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has announced that, because I didn’t endorse him and he is incapable of getting the Republican nomination, he will not be running for reelection,” Trump said in the statement. 

“He’s been very selfish, and is bad news for the Republican Party—actually, he shouldn’t even be considered a Republican. We wish him well!” 

Governor Baker denied that Trump had anything to do with his decision. (Read more)

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