Thursday, December 23, 2021

Some encouraging news concerning the severity of Omicron, but the overall outlook is bleak


Authorities in the United Kingdom report that the Omicron variant appears to cause up to 70% fewer hospitalizations than the previous Delta variant of COVID, and global financial markets expressed a little bit of relief on Thursday. Still, the rate of transmission is higher than with previous strains, and the number of new infections continues to soar, while events are canceled or scaled back. A new daily record of nearly 120,000 infections was set in the UK, while new research suggests a booster shot only offers ten weeks of maximum protection against the Omicron variant. In other words, I would say this is no time to let our guard down, but people already let their guard down some time back. Thus, why new variants continue to emerge, and we’re likely to be stuck in this cycle of death for years to come. The only silver lining may be that potentially better treatments are here.

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