Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The United States shatters the one-day record for new COVID infections, while a beleaguered and corrupted CDC stirs confusion and chaos

AP Photo/David Goldman

We are getting to the point where lay people of all stripes can see something is seriously wrong at the CDC, and heads may have to roll. Pressure from Republican politicians, big business, angry and impatient citizens, and perhaps the current administration appear to be driving the agency’s decision-making. We live in a country where everything – including vital health care and national security policy – is subject to the court of public opinion and profit-making. The individuals who comprise the CDC are by no means immune to being corrupted – no human being truly is, and it is that corruption that is likely the major factor driving widespread confusion about ever-shifting protocols. Not to mention giving comfort of sorts to anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. Federal health officials are not politicians or celebrities – they do not need to gladhand and kiss babies, so to speak – but they do need allies among the general public at a time when large numbers of citizens adamantly refuse vaccination, wearing a mask, and practicing social distancing. Do not make those of us who have been following the rules and defending agencies such as the CDC throughout the pandemic feel as though we’ve wasted our time doing so. 

AP - ‘U.S. health officials’ decision to shorten the recommended COVID-19 isolation and quarantine period from 10 days to five is drawing criticism from some medical experts and could create more confusion and fear among Americans’

CNBCDr. Anthony Fauci: CDC reducing Covid isolation time guidelines will ‘get people back to jobs’

The Hill - ‘The U.S. on Tuesday set a single-day record of new COVID-19 infections, with 441,278 new cases’

NYT - U.S. caseloads surpass the winter pandemic peak of early 2021

CNBCCDC declares Omicron variant comprises 58.6% of U.S. cases, while Delta has stuck around with 41.1% of all cases

MarketWatch - Senator Richard Blumenthal calls on the CDC to temporarily shut down the cruise industry once more as cases abroad ships surge

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