Tuesday, December 21, 2021

President Biden announces plan to combat the Omicron variant, but experts warn that only more restrictive measures unacceptable to the belligerent American public could successfully contain the spread

Samuel Corum/Getty Images

It’s going to be a long, cold winter, and many will fall ill and some will die. Millions have decided that their individual ‘freedumb’ is more important than stopping the spread of this deadly plague. Lo and behold, when the Omicron variant wipes out potentially hundreds of thousands of Americans, those same people – and eager mainstream media outlets – will point the finger of blame at President Biden and other leaders. Anti-vaxxers will never take responsibility for their choices. The New York Times

Even as President Biden on Tuesday outlined new plans for battling the highly contagious Omicron variant, public health experts warned that the measures would not be sufficient to prevent a grim rise in infections and hospitalizations over the next few weeks. 

The administration’s strategy includes doubling down on vaccination campaigns and propping up hospitals as they confront a large influx of patients. Federal officials will direct resources, including Army doctors, to support health care systems and distribute rapid tests to Americans. 

But Mr. Biden explicitly ruled out lockdowns and other harsh measures of the kind put in place as the pandemic first unfolded in early 2020. In interviews on Tuesday, some scientists argued that the variant’s rapid spread requires more vigorous mitigation measures. 

Some expressed frustration and alarm about what they described as a timid public health response, and bemoaned the apparent lack of will among politicians and society at large for more aggressive steps. (Read more)

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