Saturday, December 18, 2021

Grifters laugh all the way to the bank even as they are exposed: ‘Anti-5G’ necklaces found to contain radioactivity


The conspiracy theory industry is thriving in these stupid times, and with such an eager customer base it barely even needs the pretense of begin anything but a shameless scam. Anybody on the national populist right can make any insane claim whatsoever, or market whatever junk, and an army of willing little Fascists will be there to defend the lie and demand others believe the lie. The hard resistance to vaccinations, and their devotion to history’s most obvious and blatant conman, proves they are willing to harm themselves in their zeal to hurt others. So why should anybody be surprised they’re buying radioactive ‘anti-5G’ bracelets? From the BBC
Necklaces and accessories claiming to "protect" people from 5G mobile networks have been found to be radioactive. 

The Dutch authority for nuclear safety and radiation protection (ANVS) issued a warning about ten products it found gave off harmful ionising radiation. 

It urged people not to use the products, which could cause harm with long-term wear. 

There is no evidence that 5G networks are harmful to health. 

The World Health Organization says 5G mobile networks are safe, and not fundamentally different from existing 3G and 4G signals. 

Mobile networks use non-ionising radio waves that do not damage DNA. 

Despite this, there have been attacks on transmitters by people who believe they are harmful. (Read more)
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