Friday, September 17, 2021

Childhood obesity rates soar at the exact moment the little fatties should be losing weight

Lola Gomez/The Dallas Morning News

Obesity does not help anybody’s cause when it comes to combating COVID. Yet, as with so many illogical and counter-productive measures Americans are taking or not taking, people are only getting fatter – kids, especially – during the pandemic. - 

NEW YORK -- A new study ties the COVID-19 pandemic to an “alarming” increase in obesity in U.S. children and teenagers.

Childhood obesity has been increasing for decades, but the new work suggests an acceleration last year — especially in those who already were obese when the pandemic started.

The results signal a “profound increase in weight gain for kids” and are “substantial and alarming,” said one of the study's authors, Dr. Alyson Goodman of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It's also a sign of a vicious cycle. The pandemic appears to be worsening the nation's longstanding obesity epidemic, and obesity can put people at risk for more severe illness after coronavirus infection. (Read more)

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