Friday, September 17, 2021

‘The Republican party is a pro-insurrection Trump cult and anyone who is not on board is cast aside’

Ohio Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (pictured) – one of just ten House Republicans who voted to impeach Donald Trump this past January – is leaving a once-promising political career due to violent threats from enraged nationalist populists. Tim Miller from the Bulwark -  

The retirement of Trump-impeachment-supporting Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-Ohio), in part over fears for the safety of his young family, is a deeply ominous sign for our politics. 

It might be a Trump era cliché to say that “this is not normal” but a 36-year-old congressman in his second term doesn’t just retire. That is the start of one’s career, not the finish. Moreover, a 36-year-old Republican congressman sure as shit doesn’t retire because he is scared Republican voters might hurt his family. 

That is not normal. At all. It is a flashing siren about just how dangerous the Republican party has become. (Read more)

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