Thursday, September 16, 2021

Vaccines, somebody named Nikki Minaj, and what the hell else does anyone expect the president to do if they don't want him to do his job?

At first, I thought it was absurd that the White House wished to reach out to rapper Nikki Minaj after her inane ramblings on Twitter about vaccines and her cousin’s friends’ testicles. Why bother? That was until I heard a report on the radio this morning about fans of hers gathering somewhere or other and proclaiming that Dr. Fauci, etc., had lied to them. These celebrity nitwits, not for better but worse, do have influence over large numbers of stupid people, and America has an overabundance of those. If they’re spreading bulls**t that may harm people, then maybe the administration feels they have no recourse but to address this adolescent, belligerent crap. We’re about to become the wealthiest country with the lowest percentage of vaccinated people, and that is with us having the earliest and greatest access to the vaccine. This is truly embarrassing, but it can’t be laid at the feet of the Biden administration. Even as a candidate before being elected, Joe has been telling us all along to take all necessary precautions against COVID, and everything his administration has done to this point has been in service of eradicating this plague from our nation and the planet. But if a bunch of belligerents won’t listen and take heed, there is only so much the president and his administration can do. Except, that is, but to tighten the screws. And Joe Biden has done that, with his recent vaccine mandate. You, the anti-vaxxers, forced him to take a rather harsh tack that he clearly did not want to have to take. The anti-vaxxers point to back in December, when Joe said he had no desire to issue any mandates. I believe he really meant it at that time, but his patience was tested and the Delta variant hit. What else could he responsibly do? Just giving into the populist mob was not an option, not if potentially millions of lives were to needlessly be put at risk (any more than they are already are, thanks to these people.) Everybody takes this man for an idiot, but then everybody – not literally meaning ‘everybody,’ of course – have lost their damn minds in these horrible times. But he’s only doing what any responsible leader would be doing in this situation. But yeah, let’s reminisce about how the last guy said this virus had only affected fifteen people and soon it will be none, and how he deliberately undermined public confidence in doctors, nurses, and governors desperately trying to save lives but who didn’t sufficiently kiss his orange ass. Telling the world that everybody was out to get them; all except for him, of course. Yeah, wonderful leadership there. F**k off with that; real leadership does not entail playing to one’s fears, bigotries, and delusions, but rather it demands that we do our part. And it’s really not very hard at all. I’ve been doing my part to help eradicate this plague – and I firmly believe this plague is an act of God – how about you? Look in the mirror before pointing the finger at the man doing what he was elected to do.

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