Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The biggest threat to one’s personal safety, well-being, and sanity is our fellow citizens

The biggest threat to one’s personal safety, well-being, and sanity is our fellow citizens. Yes, to an even greater degree than the government. Always knew this deep down, but lived in blatant denial for as long as I could; which was for all too long a time. COVID-19 made acknowledging this reality unavoidable. Human beings are not basically good, as we all are demanded to believe; it is exactly the opposite that holds true. Human beings are evil by nature, and the entire point of civilization itself is restraining and taming this innate evil. Everybody wants their rights, but they don’t give a damn about the rights of others. Hence, we are seeing it play out in real time that libertarianism is no more humane an ideology than any form of autocracy. Trust nobody, for the biggest tyrants are all around us; they are us.

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