Friday, September 3, 2021

ABC/WaPo poll: President Biden’s approval rating drops to 44%. And so what?

Looks as though the American people are having a bit of a hissy-fit about the president right now, highly encouraged to do so from many corners. Screw these ingrates. The older I get and the crazier the times become, the more I see that governing and serious decision-making should not be held hostage to the court of public opinion. Public opinion is considered sacrosanct in America, yet so often and so tragically wrong. Isn’t it funny, though: Donald Trump drew these sorts of numbers routinely. If nothing else was consistent about his presidency, his approval ratings were always between the high 30s and mid 40s. 44% was actually on the higher end of his four-year average, and all his supporters thought that meant he had wide public support and was going to be re-elected in a landslide. Now that it’s President Biden with a low-ish number, it’s a different song they sing. No matter, true leaders actually lead and do not follow. President Biden is not going to govern by the polls, but most GOP public officials have become pathetic followers pandering to peasants – and to Trump - in desperate bids to remain in power at all costs. The greed and ambition of these politicians, and the populism they pander to have been killing us these last few years. As in, literally killing people. So, don’t mind me if I don’t get too worked up over President Biden’s lower-than-average approval rating, because I’ve long known that more than half of the population is useless, malevolent, entitled, and full of hate, and COVID-19 has made it all nakedly clear. They would gladly watch the country burn if there were a few bucks in it for them. If this country can be saved it is going to be in spite of the majority and not because of it.  

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