Thursday, January 13, 2022

America does not need another celebrity president: Radio ‘shock jock’ Howard Stern teases 2024 presidential run

Howard Stern: The man appears to be making a lot of good points of late, but holding the right opinions and being a celebrity does not truly qualify one to be president. Perhaps Howard Stern was being facetious, and I hope so, but then many thought the same of Trump before he was elected. Some egos are too large to be contained. Having real world qualifications relevant to the job of the presidency needs to once again be a de facto (or actual) requirement. Fortunately for grifters, Americans as a collective never learn from their mistakes anymore. -

Howard Stern says he could launch a White House bid in 2024 against former President Trump, quipping that he knows he'll "beat his ass." 

The SiriusXM host said Tuesday that running for president could be his "civic duty" if Trump, who has repeatedly floated but not confirmed a 2024 bid, sought a second term. 

"I would just sit there and play that f---ing clip of him trying to fix the election over and over again," Stern said, referring to Trump's phone call in January with Brad Raffensperger in which the then-president sought to persuade the Georgia secretary of state of evidence of election fraud in the Peach State. 

"There’s no way I’d lose," Stern, 67, said. 

Stern's comments came as he riffed on topics ranging from Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers and vaccine hesitancy to former Trump officials defying congressional subpoenas as part of an investigation into the events surrounding the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. 

"If Trump decides to run again, you have to run against him," co-host Robin Quivers said with a laugh. "That's my plan." 

"I know. I'll beat his ass," Stern exclaimed in an amused tone. 

"You can't leave it to the Democrats," Quivers responded. (Read more)

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