Thursday, January 20, 2022

Quick thoughts as President Biden marks one year in office

Susan Walsh/AP

One year ago today, grown adults knew that President Biden’s first year in office was going to come with major challenges and growing pains, exacerbated by being in a time of crisis. The rest of an ungrateful country - egged on by a bored news media and the president's political opponents - chose to blame him for all of our woes. Joe Biden is not a perfect man, and things are getting worse in this dying country, but he is doing what he can to keep the lights on just a bit longer. That’s all I expected of him when I cast my vote, and he has delivered to that end. People need to stop whining; they need to realize a president is not a miracle worker, nor is he supposed to be some national father figure, as Joe’s predecessor portrays himself to be. The American people need to realize the ones who have failed them the most are themselves.

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