Sunday, January 16, 2022

FBI swat team delivers a peaceful end to hostage standoff inside a Texas synagogue, as hostages are safely freed and Islamist gunman is shot dead

Elias Valverde/The Dallas Morning News via AP

A lunatic holds Jewish congregants hostage at a Texas synagogue, demanding the release of convicted murderer and al-Qaeda sympathizer Aafia Siddiqui. After a long stand-off, four hostages are safe and the gunman has gone to meet his seventy-two virgins. As the details of this terrorist act unfolded on Saturday, nearly everyone I saw on social media was quick to immediately assume it must have been an ultra right-wing, Trump-supporting nationalist that was responsible. Which is really telling about where we are as a country. Left or right, everyone appears to have willfully forgotten the ongoing threat radical Islam poses; more to the point, Americans have decided their domestic political opponents are the real enemy and the Muslim extremists no longer are anything but some minor nuisance. This individual acted alone, but the next attack is likely to be more coordinated, and – once again - result in mass causalities. And all Americans will do afterward is engage in hand-wringing and finger-pointing at ‘the other side’ for allowing it to happen, when there is no shortage of collective responsibility to go around. The tenuous unity we (briefly) had in 2001 is no longer possible under any circumstance. Via the AP

COLLEYVILLE, Texas (AP) — Four hostages are safe and their captor is dead after an hourslong standoff that began when the man took over services at a Texas synagogue where he could be heard ranting on a livestream and demanding the release of a Pakistani neuroscientist who was convicted of trying to kill U.S. Army officers in Afghanistan. 

One hostage held Saturday at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville was released during the standoff; three others got out about 9 p.m. when an FBI SWAT team entered the building, authorities said. The hostage taker was killed and FBI Special Agent in Charge Matt DeSarno said a team would investigate “the shooting incident.” 

Video from Dallas TV station WFAA shows people running out a door of the synagogue, and then a man holding a gun opening the same door just seconds later, before he turns around and closes the door. Moments later, several rounds of gunfire can be heard, followed by the sound of an explosion. 

FBI and police spokeswomen declined to answer questions about who shot the man. 

DeSarno said the hostage taker was specifically focused on an issue not directly connected to the Jewish community, and there was no immediate indication that the man was part of any broader plan. But DeSarno said the agency’s investigation “will have global reach.” 

It wasn’t clear why the attacker chose the synagogue. 

Law enforcement officials who were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation and spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity earlier said that the hostage-taker demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist suspected of having ties to al-Qaida. He also said he wanted to be able to speak with her, according to the officials. Siddiqui is in federal prison in Texas.  

DeSarno said Saturday night that the man had been identified “but we are not prepared to release his identity or confirm his identity at this time.” (Read more)

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