Monday, January 31, 2022

Good Carlson, Bad Carlson: Former Fox News anchor gives ‘damning assessment’ of how the network is brainwashing people

Rob Kim/Getty Images

Misinformation and blatant disinformation are the greatest threats to our health, our liberty, our national security, and to America’s continued existence. When somebody who was on the inside is telling them that they are being conned, then I would suggest to all Fox News fans to, at the very least, question their loyalty. As Mark Twain is reputed to have said, ‘it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ Hence, why grifters like the people behind Fox News, and Donald Trump, and so many others in this nationalist populist realm do what they do. Only too easy, and profitable, to fool a bunch of marks and appeal to their various resentments. Stop being a mark. - 

Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson offered a damning assessment of the network as she explained just how bad its spread of conspiracy theories and misinformation has become. 

During an appearance on the CNN segment, "Democracy in Peril," Carlson discussed many aspects of Fox News' critical role in the spread of misinformation and falsehoods. Since former President Donald Trump took office, conspiracy theories have been on the rise and Fox News has become a driving force for it. 

Conservative primetime news anchor Tucker Carlson has been at the center of misinformation and the power of his opinion has begun to influence Republican members of Congress. 

"This is the result of fake news," Carlson said. "You know, we're seeing not only the fallout from fake news during the Trump era, but what happened with the insurrection on January 6th. Now it's moving into other areas. Not just news, now it's hitting science with vaccines, and now it's into Cold War politics." 

Carlson also touched on another significant topic as she shed light on the actions of her former Fox News colleagues, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. While they reportedly sent pleas to the White House for the violence to stop on Jan. 6, they still put up a united front on-air and circulated a completely different narrative about the series of events that unfolded. 

"I think the bigger story coming out of that is how disingenuous it was to be sending those texts of warning while then going on the air to the American people and doing a complete injustice and disservice by saying something completely opposite," Carlson said, "and ginning up this whole reaction that it was just fine and patriotic for people to be there on January 6th." 

She went on to express concern about the journalistic state of her former network since the rise of Trump. Carlson also noted how conspiracy theories have become a fallacious replacement for opinion. (Read more)

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