Monday, January 10, 2022

‘The United States is coming to an end. The question is how.’ Canadian author outlines scenarios for the coming civil war

Leah Millis/Reuters

Americans damn well better start listening and paying attention, but they will not. Most people in this country today want tyranny, just so long as it is directed toward those groups and individuals one doesn’t like. The rest just demand to be entertained constantly. It appears to me that we have become a nation of pathetic, incompetent, and hateful people, and that’s the perfect recipe for collapse. Abandon all hope, for the biggest problem with America is the American people. As for Canada: When we fall to full-on Fascism, they will likely be invaded or otherwise taken over by Nazi America. Trudeau and his government are powerless, and useless. Sometimes I wonder the same about our current administration, as much as I try to support President Biden. Via Dean Obeidallah

(CNN) "The United States is coming to an end. The question is how." Those are the jarring opening lines of Canadian author Stephen Marche's new book, "The Next Civil War: Dispatches from the American Future." Released the same week as the anniversary of the January 6 attack on our Capitol that signaled how dangerous our political polarization has become, Marche's book shares different scenarios of how the United States could collapse. 

Marche isn't the only Canadian worried about their southern neighbor's future. Just days before Marche's book released, political scientist Thomas Homer-Dixon -- the executive director of the Cascade Institute, which focuses on ways to address threats to society -- penned a powerful op-ed in Canada's "Globe and Mail" that begins with a similar warning. "By 2025, American democracy could collapse, causing extreme domestic political instability, including widespread civil violence," Homer-Dixon writes. "By 2030, if not sooner," he adds, "the country could be governed by a right-wing dictatorship." 

As Americans, our first instinct when a person from outside of the US says something critical of our nation is often to dismiss the comment (or mock their country; be honest!). In this case, though, neither Marche nor Homer-Dixon wrote their words to belittle America or to make Canadians feel better about their country. (Read more)

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