Thursday, April 28, 2022

Russia about to experience its worst oil crash in three decades, while their soldiers are killing themselves; Shanghai about to implode over COVID lockdown, and a scary climate change projection

stock photo/The Statesman

Russia estimates its oil output could fall as much as 17% - Quote: ‘If the full-year 2022 estimates come true, that would mark the lowest volume of output since 2003, when Russia pumped 421 million tonnes. It would also mark the worst crash in more than 30 years.’ (Yahoo! Finance 4/27)

[VIDEO] Why do Russians kill themselves and blame Ukraine? Another in a long line of Russian fails - The Russian military and its leaders are inept and are self-destructing. Praise God for that. (UATV 4/27)

Jin Liwang/Xinhua/AP

Shanghai COVID lockdown may soon come to an end, pending testing, while Beijing braces for its own lockdown - All those in #Murica still screaming about how their civil liberties were violated during the first phases of the pandemic, should remember that we were still allowed to leave our homes for essential needs. In China, authorities are just locking everyone in, and not allowing them out for any reason. Nor providing them with basic needs. (AP 4/28)

Sky News

Thousands of new virus transmissions from bats projected due to climate change - Scary stuff. Quote: ‘Scientists expect 15,000 transmissions of viruses between different species by 2070, mostly driven by bats moving to new areas in a hotter world.’ (Sky News 4/28)


German composer, electronic music pioneer Klaus Schulze dies at 74 - His 1976 album Moondawn is highly recommended. May Klaus Schulze rest in peace. (The Guardian 4/27)

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